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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • If you are unwilling to negotiate and compromise with your enemy and rather go to war

    Who went to war in Ukraine?

    the US and Nato, when they do the exact same things, somehow have good reasons.

    But they don’t do the exact same things. The USA and NATO don’t annex parts of other countries.

  • hanekam@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldClass War
    8 months ago

    December 2021 is two months before the invasion, not “years”, like you wrote previously. I agree that once the Russians stationed their army at the Ukrainian border and threatened to invade, that the invasion became fairly predictable.

    Personally I thought these demands weren’t too outrageous.

    Russia wanted to dictate the military movements and foreign policy of nine countries, otherwise they would attack a different country from those nine. I don’t believe anyone has ever tried to pull a more outrageous stunt. Those demands were meant to provide cover for aggression, not to start a negotiation. It worked on you.

    the US is doing things like that all the time

    The last time the USA waged a war to take territory from a neighbour was in 1848, nearly two hundred years ago, and I don’t think they’ve ever made demands of one country and then waged war on a completely different country when they weren’t met. They do not, in fact, do things like that all the time. You can object to a lot of what the USA does, but even at their worst, they don’t act like this.

    For someone who criticizes others for accepting justifications for war, you sure are very accepting of justifications for war, provided the Russians are the ones doing the justifying.

  • when Russia invades after they said they would for years.

    They absolutely didn’t. In fact, Putin ruled out war against Ukraine on many occasions, both before and after the invasions of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

    It was so predictable that I can’t help but assume that it was a deliberate trap set for Russia.

    Up until the tanks crossed the border people didn’t believe Russia would invade because they couldn’t believe the Russians could be that stupid. To concoct a plot on such a massive scale with a payoff that relied on the rank idiocy of Russian command doesn’t seem very smart

  • The big issue with “trying” communism is that it historically has only really occurred through violent revolution. The political instability in these situations gives a perfect opportunity for the seizing of power by exactly those kinds of people.

    Gradualist Socialism was the political project for Social Democrats in post-war Europe. They had 30-odd years to achieve it in several countries. The issue becomes that once they started notching up victories, radicalism decreased, and that when they’re not starving and oppressed people categorically will not vote to let someone collectivize their farms and expropriate their homes. It seems clear to me that in real-world conditions, a Socialist state can only come about through revolution, because the path in a democracy is far too long and leaves far too many angles of attack from a liberal opposition.