• The telecommunications sector is government-owned.(1, 2)
  • The news sector is government-owned.
  • Petrol companies are owned by the government.( 1)
  • They have extensive social welfare programs.( 1)

And that is why it suffers from a lot of issues.

  • NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Here’s an argument I think is similar to yours.

    Apples are red (hyperlinks to multiple images of apples, all red, all red delicious variety)

    As you can see, the red color causes apple’s taste to be divisive with many people saying apples have a sandy and bad texture.

    You have ignored the fact that UAE has history, culture, politics, resources, etc that may have bearing on its “issues”. You have not expounded on those issues or how they may be related to some of the facts about UAE that you selected.

    I could just as easily say that UAE is located near coveted land which has caused wars which have caused UAE issues. I could argue that UAE has only oil as a natural resource, and not having access to more diverse natural resources (ie food) has caused UAE issues. I could say having a non representative government has cause UAE issues. I could say UAE has a flag that can be confused for its neighbors, and that had caused issues.