I do not like to be stared at.

Yes, I know that is my problem and I should not expect the rest of the world to conform to my issue. There, happy? Everytime you complain nowadays people want to tell you “maybe the issue is you and you should not expect the rest of society to adjust to your issues”. There I said it for you…can we continue?

However, there are some adults that will just look and look and look at you when you enter a room and it’s nonsense. There’s nothing new under the sun. I want to ask them, “Have you never seen a human being before?”

I am a dude. I imagine this is 1 million times worse for women.

Staring in public, waiting your turn in line, maintaining a normal talking volume in public. I think I learned all that in kindergarten or before. Some adults need to Billy Madison themselves and go back to kindergarten.

  • ballywog@lemmy.worldOP
    5 months ago

    Psychology is complex

    I see your point. Like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, right?

    It’s a valid point but if you apply a slippery slope argument to staring and other rude behaviors it always results in the people being rude getting to do whatever they want, they do not have to spend energy thinking or correcting their actions, and the person being affected is the one who needs to change and just accept it. Still, I understand your point.

    I don’t like people staring at me for uncomfortable periods of time but I don’t mind (and maybe like it) when little babies or toddlers do so out in public. I understand they are curious and have little self control. So, as you stated, “Psychology is complex”.