I’ve been involved with Linux for a long time, and Flatpak almost seems too good to be true:
Just install any app on any distro, isolated from the base system and with granular rights management. I’ve just set up my first flatpak-centric system and didn’t notice any issues with it at all, apart from a 1-second waiting time before an app is launched.

What’s your long-term experience?

Notice any annoying bugs or instabilities? Do apps crash a lot? Disappear from Flathub or are unmaintained? Do you often have issues with apps that don’t integrate well with your native system? Are important apps missing?

  • Possibly linux@lemmy.zip
    11 months ago

    Flatpaks are great. I do wish flatseal was part of the flatpak standard. I want an android style permissions menu

    • Björn Tantau@swg-empire.de
      11 months ago

      Well, Flatseal is using flatpak’s standard way of managing permissions. Everything it does you can also do from the command line with flatpak. It’s just a frontend.

      I think KDE wants to add these options to it’s settings as well. That will be great, when it’s better integrated into the whole system.