• cheated years ago at valentines day party, was bad alcoholic at time and made out with some dude. Had to find out on my own through chance pretty much, trickle thruthd me after that.

  • has not since, that I know of, and genuinely seems to care about relationship. Also never drinks anymore at all.

  • still have somewhat toxic behaviors we are both working on. We lived together for 2 years but recently moved out and back into respective parents houses due to ongoing foot issue with me not being able to work and couldn’t afford bills

  • decided to stay together and spent every other weekend at hotel for alone time, see each other about 4-5x per week and sex 1-2 times.

  • Used her car to move last of my stuff to my parents, and I never bought it at the old house… she says she may hAve but can’t find receipt and isn’t the type to buy something like thif regardless m

  • Yesterday found a 50-80bdollar surge strip protector in her car in box, no sticker with address, and we both asked our families no knew where it was from ,

Am I wrong to assume she may have had someone else in there and he left it in there on accident?

If I am missing details anyone feel free to lll

  • InquisitiveApathy@lemm.ee
    15 days ago

    It sounds like you’re deeply suspicious(and possibly under the influence if I’m honest) and your partner and you have deeper issues at play. Being cheated on has a tendency to do that, although it sounds like she’s put forth the effort to show she’s dedicated.

    If you have trust and communication issues you need to either pursue counseling, ideally individually and together, or openly and candidly determine if the relationship is still something that works for the both of you. Noone on the internet is going to be able to accurately speculate or give you the answers you seek.

    On a personal note, it sounds like you’re having a tough time with life in general at the moment and I wish you the best. Take care of yourself first and don’t let your emotions cloud your judgement.

  • Maeve@kbin.earth
    15 days ago

    Two things: she needs treatment, individually, for addiction and personal. IF that progresses to a certain point, relationship counseling. No need to mention the second until first progresses. You might seek personal therapy for what you’re going through, and past experiences that set you up for that.

  • BearOfaTime@lemm.ee
    15 days ago

    To quote Eddie Murphy:

    “If you don’t trust the p****, why are you fucking the p*****?”

    This applies to everyone.

    If you doubt, the relationship is already screwed.