Hi everyone. I’ll preface this by saying I do have a tendency to overthink things sometime. However this is the situation: today as I was going to retrieve something from my girlfriend’s car, I found a large expensive looking power strip. The kind someone who uses high voltage things would plug into. Not something I would ever use certainly.

My girlfriend claims she has no idea where it came from. It was brand new unopened and sitting in her backseat under some other things. No one but her or I or our kids have been in her car in the past however many months. At least according to her.

We both texted our respective family members thinking maybe one of them left it in there without our knowledge. No one from either side of our family has any idea what it is or where it came from. She always locks the car before she gets out, and even if she didn’t I find it hard to believe that someone would break in to leave something in the car especially a $50 power strip. Most people break in to steal things from cars.

She got really defensive when I told her how weird I thought it was. Started immediately pulling classic darvo tactics.

Am I overthinking this or am I right and assuming someone besides me was in her car at some point whom she does not want me to know about?

  • Disgracefulone@discuss.onlineOP
    17 days ago

    I really wasn’t. I didn’t lead with the whole oh that’s weird part. In fact she led with the weird where did it come from part. We sat down together called family members and tried to figure out where it came from. It seemed like she was trying really hard to show how confused she was.

    Once everyone from both sides of our family said they had no f****** clue where it came from, that’s when I said that’s weird. It’s almost like it just appeared out of thin air.

    I reacted calmly this entire time. But then she just went full defensive mode.

    I also as I mentioned to a different commenter, found out that she cheated once before in our relationship. That was about a 4-week ordeal between the time she cheated and the time I found out. Any conversations about weird activity back then were met with instant defensivism and darvoing.

    That’s what this felt like.