• 11 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • I think what has been enlightening about this election is seeing how many ‘own goals’ the Reform party are scoring now that they’ve been given enough rope to hang themselves with. It reminds me of when they let Nick Griffon on Question Time back in 2009/10 and he absolutely withered under scrutiny.

    Yes, there will be a hardcore of people who are going to vote for Reform - maybe even because of gaffes like this. However this is repellent to the wider electorate. Imagine if they were semi-competent and just ran as populist Tories without letting the mask slip immediately. Personally, I’d be much more concerned.

  • Extinction Rebellion would be the famous example of a group that has publically distanced themselves from JSO’s methods. They believe in protest but simultaneously are wary of alienating people by taking their stunts too far.

    Actually I had a friend from uni who was in XR and he helped organise a protest at Canning Town tube station where they clambered ontop of the train in rush hour to try to stop it. He was saying later that he thought they probably made a bad call picking that specific part of the city.

  • I disagree with their evaluation of the magnitude of climate change catastrophe affecting our lives. There isn’t going to be a Day After Tomorrow “extinction event”. Instead climate change is more insidious and will initially affect people who do not live in the West (as it is already doing). We are going to have global crises due to climate change but it’s not going to be on the same level as, say, a Mutually Assured Destruction scenario with nuclear weapons.

    They have also failed to convince the majority of the rest of the public that it will be an ‘extinction event’. Since democracy has not got the result they want they are pursuing anti-democratic means of forcing their agenda onto news segments with stunts that poison the well for other - less extreme - climate change activists.