i should be writing

  • 17 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • depending on how you count, poland might be one of fastest secularizing countries in the world and for pretty much the same reasons, we even had abortion ban. it’s not a competition of course

    one extra factor is backlash against massive catholic propaganda campaign from the times when john paul 2 was pope, based on some twisted logic that because pope is polish now, yall better be religious or else. nobody really was having this outside of pilgrimage-going weirdos (even if it’s consequence-free school trip it’s only for true believers because of intense catholic radiation). so when pope finally croaked some of these nutjobs were lighting candles on hour of his death (21:37) and singing his fave song for several days as if that was completely normal and not something on par with North Koreans mourning Dear Leader. over time it got mocked relentlessly and in 2010s era memes pope will be forever remembered as a pedo war criminal (as he was) input 2137 in search engine of your choice if you want to find out

    also it’ll be forever funny to me how american fundamentalist catholics try to go to “based catholic poland”, a country that doesn’t exist, in search of tradwife and slow life on a plot of land in the middle of nowhere. they missed a memo or several

  • eh i’ve seen that before at least once and i’m inclined to believe there’s much more of it that nobody cares to notice. on r/chemistry and r/organicchemistry there was a dude, 19, dramatic bitch, who read surface level philosophy and tried getting into ochem for some obscure reason. turns out he wanted to make some anticancer drugs and needs guidance. cool fine maybe get degree in ochem first so you don’t do any stupid avoidable mistakes. he won’t listen

    he tried to get into uni but if i have to guess he got rejected? in any case he didn’t learn anything but over time got into contact with some research group, at least that’s what he claimed and started homelab. (you’d guess that some medchem research group at uni would have a wet lab, but it must be in other country and you’ve never seen them).

    so anyway our misunderstood hero starts cooking “anticancer” “meds” in his living room. how does he know it works, did he made this, sent samples to biologists who would test it for him, or maybe compchem group would simulate it out? nope, he’d just got an idea that it will work and that’s just as good, you know, his supreme rationality unrecognized by academic cabal guided him there. so he starts cooking, but does not know how. this included shit like distilling some flammable solvent on wicker table without clamps or anything that would actually make glassware stable. so every other step he asks for advice on really basic shit like he’d learn in second year university course (BSc), or in first year of work in organic chemistry lab, his synthesis is avoidably dirty, his purifications are trash, three steps in he has painted himself into corner, yields drop to zero and he has no idea why or what now. this usually means that entire synthesis was shite from the beginning and it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

    (did i mention that he was a dramatic bitch? so he picked it up because he wanted to do something Good for Humanity, and if he fails then well he could just as well commit sewer slide. his first idea involved radioisotopes btw, all in his living room mind you. then objective shifted to “anti-rabies antiviral” where he missed the point of about everything he wanted to do. then went back to “anticancer”)

    anyway this was his breaking point, after something like three or four people tried to explain politely that he really should get a degree first and set some objective that is not obviously pulled from his supremely rational ass, he started insulting everyone and what eventually earned him sitewide ban was a tirade about how he’d genocide everyone who doesn’t recognize his genius, given opportunity (he compared himself to milosevic (he was serb))

    anyway he also had medium blog and posted dick picks with face included from the same account. he made another one, but it’s since abandoned. allegedly he also had 2 or 3 accounts before that