• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “At the same time, I think we really need to understand the fact that we are living in a different era and animals are making use of what is available to them.”

    They just adapt. If the supply of snail shells is declining - probably because of the pollution of their enviroment - those shells become scarce. When there are plastic garbage shells availiable, the hermit crabs will utilize them instead, since it probably is easier to obtain them. They serve the same purpose to them.

    Since the lifespan of a wild hermit crab can reach up to 30 years, it probably will effect their health. When plastic disintegrates and becomes micro- or nanoplastic, those particles will cumulate in their bodies. These plastic particles are suspected of being silmilar to hormones, which can have effects on the ability to reproduce, among others.

    It should be rather concerning than cute.

  • Despite not answering your question correctly, I have something where Windows is superior to macOS:

    When you start a Windows program and want the program window to fill your screen completely, you just have to drag the window towards the upper edge of the screen and the window fills the whole size of the screen.

    On macOS there is not such an option. You have to drag the program window manually to the full size of the screen. Although there is a full-screen mode (green button in the upper left of the window), when activated, the window is in full screen, but the menu bar at the top of the screen is hidden. However, at least macOS remembers the last size of the program window, so you don’t have to drag it to full screen size again.

  • A cheap phone last about as long and does 90% the same stuff

    This is true. You can get an almost equal performance out of a cheap phone. But I learned that more expensive or high-end phones recieve more software updates than cheaper entry-tier phones.

    For instance, I own an LG K8 (Model LG-M200E) from 2017. The battery still holds enough charge (although it is designed to be replaced), the camera works, the touch display still responds properly - but it only recieved one update (Android 7 --> Android 8) in 2018. I wouldn’t consider it secure and I certainly don’t have my online banking on the phone. Meanwhile it gets very hot and slow when I use Google Maps. Unfortunately, there is no way to replace its operating system with an alterntive OS, linke Grephene OS or Lineage. None of the many alternative operating systems offer suppert for this specific model.

    My next phone will propably be mid-price ranged.

    Edit: typos

  • Regarding your edit: This might be the reason, why people tend to vote against their interests. To weed out competition. For instance, people would happily vote against free school lunch - even if the option of free school lunch would benefit them - just because some different ethnical and/or political group would not receive that benefit either.

    I see a very similar behavior in German politics right now: The right-wing party (AfD) is gaining popularity and the conservative party (CDU) is going to lose voters towards them. In order to appeal to voters they want to (very oversimplified) alter social welfare benefits to the worse and keep minimum wage from rising, all while claiming that immigration (among other things) is the issue. But those who are voting for the right wing party and the conservative party as well are the ones who clearly would benefit from better social welfare an a higher minimum wage. These people would rather decline any improvements regarding social welfare and minimum wage, so that others (immigrants for example) would not benefit from them either.

    Edit: typos

  • Was @Anekdoteles damit meint, ist, dass Besitzer von Einfamilienhäusern nicht so „frei“ sind, wie es immer dargestellt wird: Oftmals wird so argumentiert (sinngemäß) „Bau doch selber, dann kannst du machen was und wie du es willst!“. Dies bezieht sich meistens darauf, dass man, wenn man zur Miete wohnt, sich mit den Gegebenheiten (z.B. Ausstattung) in der Mietwohnung arrangieren muss.

    Wenn man aber im Geltungsbereich eines Bebauungsplans baut, dann muss man sich hier teilweise schon sehr unterordnen - man kann eben nicht das machen, was man will. So kann z.B. die Dachform, die Höhe und Neigung des Daches, die Art und Farbe der Dacheindeckung, die Länge des Gebäudes, die Anzahl der (baurechtlichen) Geschosse, das Material und die Farbgebung der Wände, die Farbe der Fenster, z.T. sogar die Gestaltung des Gartens usw. festgelegt sein. Der Spielraum, der einem da bleibt, ist i.d.R. dann nicht besonders groß.

    Anders gesagt: Man darf sich an dem Ort ein Haus bauen, aber es muß dann so und so aussehen, und der Vorgarten hat Rasen zu sein. Sonntags Rasen mähen wird sicherlich auch schwierig. Und all dies widerspricht dann der Annahme, dass man, wenn man selber baut, es so machen kann, wie man möchte. Daher kann man Einfamilienhäuser auch als Scam sehen.

  • It would be a huge contribution to safety if cars weren’t ridiciulusly big, like SUVs. Where I’m from, Germany, once you pass the driving exam, your driver’s licence ist valid for life. There are neither, at least for cars, additional check-ups regarding medical conditions (as pointed out by @piper11), nor any mandatory refreshing lessons regarding changes in traffic rules or the overall ability to operate a vehicle.

    The driver’s license is handed out with a leap of faith. If traffic safety would really matter that much, a general psychological test should have to be performed before obtaining a license. And that’s where the car lobby comes into the game: If people would have to pass a psychological exam, probably half of the drivers would not be deemed fit to be on the road.

    Unfortunately, it’s the reckless drivers who are seen by the auto-lobby as potential customers for new cars. Those who are buying overly motorized cars are more prone to buy a newer model after a couple of years. Police will handle these kind of drivers with kid gloves. You have to be driving *really *recklessy when you would to be stopped by police. On the other hand, drivers of small cars are not to be considered good customers by the auto-lobby - as they are satisfied with what they have. They don’t replace their vehicle often. That’s why overly motorized cars and also SUVs exist: Asshole cars are marketed to asshole people.

  • what are yall doing with your time?

    We use our time more efficiently. Since you can stream everything from the internet, you don’t need to work your schedule according to the time, a show on TV starts. You don’t need to be at home at 7 because a new episode ist airing. With streaming you can decide on when you want to watch something.

    Another benefit of not having (classic) TV is, that you barely see any commercials or ads (given you use an adblocker). When I have the chance to watch TV (when staying in hotels or visiting friends wo have TV) I’m astonished how many ads (even in the TV menu) and commercials get thrown down our throats. It’s like a stream of ads interrupted with shows.