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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • We may not see many repercussions from this now, but when the unvaccinated grow up and the viruses have had a generation’s worth of time to spread - just wait till a pregnant woman gets mumps and has a profoundly deaf baby. Or their toddler gets polio and ends up spending potentially years in a hospital, only to be released with lifetime disabilities. I know 2 people with polio, and one who is deaf due their mother having mumps (pre-vaccine days). Their lives, and the lives of their families, was/is hard. I wonder what grandma and grampa, safely vaccinated, will say when their grandkids start falling ill.

  • I hate how these things are such deathtraps.

    I live near a military base, and the base runs a lot of nighttime training over the forest my house is in. It is not unusual for Osprey to literally hover over my house. They get so close that the whole house shakes, and the sound from them is so loud it covers up a normal-volumed conversation. It doesn’t bother us, but every time it happens I think of all the crashes 😬

    We can also hear the base when it has bombing practice! Sitting on our deck and hearing bombs going off is a surreal experience. I can’t imagine what it’s like to hear those in an actual war situation.