• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Others have given you solid answers on why the chicken and watermelon thing was really stupid so I’ll try to answer from the Irish perspective on the second part of your question:

    You can serve me corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick’s day as long as you’re not being a dick about it. I’d probably consider it a nice effort actually if I happened to be abroad on the day.

    My dad used to love corned beef, cabbage and potatoes with parsley sauce. It’s a grand meal but not my thing.

    If you were a unionist who served it to me in a leprechaun outfit I’d be inclined to tell you where to go though.

    Edit: I hope this answers your question. It’s a good question and the answer is nuanced so if I can offer you more perspective let me know, I’d be happy to help.

  • I did come across the competitive scene there about 2 years ago. Honestly I found it both fascinating and a bit disheartening. There was I happy with my occasional dad game where I was regularly beating the AI on one of the higher levels. Nope. Apparently still a noob after 25 years.

    The speed and accuracy that they move and build at is astounding.

  • At 7 years of age I was collecting the grass coming out of my neighbours lawnmower. I was tossing it in the air at my dog who was having great fun jumping into the air catching it.

    Cue my neighbour running over my foot with his lawnmower. I didn’t feel much pain as it shredded straight through my runner and skin.

    I was rushed to hospital and somehow they saved my toe. It took about five years for me to regain feeling in it.

    Edit: oh I missed the word “work”.

  • This picture from that set really got me.

    In my youth I used to have to “make weight” for fights so you naturally start doing the numbers with food about 6-8 weeks out and you become used to gaining and losing weight and have an understanding of the discomfort that’s involved. You also become good at eyeballing people for their weight class.

    That man in the picture on the phone was a chonk (not being offensive here, he was a big lad). He looks over 90KG to me and a lot of it is muscle (edit: that’s 200lbs in freedom units). His biceps and triceps are big. He’s a strong man.

    The man holding the picture of his former self has been starved. Your body uses fat stores for energy, but it needs more than just energy. You need vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

    If you’re using it in any way, your body will generally hold onto muscle unless there’s a shortfall in essential amino acids and at that point it looks at your muscles as reserves.

    That is what happened here. He was given so little food that all his fat reserves were used and so little nutrition that his body ate it’s muscle to survive.