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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There is also another aspect:

    While many European empires colonized and oppressed the local populations brutally, eradication was never the point. The point was always extraction of wealth.

    With the Nazis there was not even a pretense of working towards any goal other than complete annihilation. The Nazis engineered death according to modern, industrial principles. They did not just dehumanize their victims by declaring their lives worthless. They calculated a value of exactly what it was worth to extinguish a jewish/handicapped/lgbtq/communist/sinti/roma/non-white life and then went about spending that money as efficiently as possible.

    In other genocides you will see wanton bombings, mobs raging through the streets, sieges denying food and resources to areas. But you will not see reports from bureaucrats complaining that shipping of this load of victims to that camp was inefficient and they should have been sent to a different camp to save costs instead.

    Israel is not the Nazis. Still bad though.

  • “We totally would have saved the climate if you had only paid us enough.” Bitch, please.

    The trillions the oil industry has earned over the years were not enough?
    You had enough money, you had the knowledge of the problem and what you could do to fix it and you had enough time to change your strategy from lieing and denying.

    The only thing you didn’t have was the will to give up a single cent to help clean up the damage you have done.

    Imagine what could have been done with half of the 52 trillion the oil and gas industry earned in the last 50 years (that’s without coal, even). Imagine how far we could have developed renewable energy sources. What we could have achieved with carbon capture. What could be done today if the fossil industries propaganda hadn’t turned climate change into a question of political opinions.

    Fuck that guy. He and his ilk created this mess and they got fat of it. He doesn’t get to shift blame.

  • Luckily, you can just pick your uniform and wear it daily. It’s pretty much what I did. For everyday wear I have like 3 different pants, 3 different sweaters and a bunch of T-Shirts that go with them. So while I personally am basically in uniform daily (and many people wear identical or near identical clothes every day) I’m strictly against society encouraging uniforms in any way shape or form.

    For many people wearing a uniform is obligatory at their work (retail and gastronomy workers, construction and maintenance workers, facility staff at larger buildings or events, Any kind of service person that will be seen by the public (e.g bus drivers, cleaners,…). And that is even without counting people who have to follow a strict dress code at work to the point where it might as well be a uniform (white collar office work, e.g).
    So overall I dare say a majority of people actually wear uniforms in their professional lives. And even if you aren’t as liberal with your interpretation of “uniform” as I was in the paragraph above (where I considered a hard hat and a high vis vest as a uniform), it is still a significant portion of the population wearing uniforms regardless.

    And in a professional context I can see a point to uniforms: They remove individuality and emphasize the belonging to a larger group/organization. This can be helpful in situations where cohesion (e.g construction work, policing, school uniforms etc…) or uniformity of standards (gastronomy, public services) are more important than individual competence/style.

    However, in a private context, I object to any kind of uniforms being worn or even worse, any kind of societal encouragement (which always turns into pressure) to wear uniforms. Uniforms are by their nature a limitation on your most basic form of freedom of expression. History has shown that any society that encourages uniformity over individuality in a private context will sooner or later enforce not just clothing standards but other behavioral standards too, usually to the detriment of marginalized groups. (What I’m saying is, it is a short step from “You should wear this.” to “You shouldn’t wear this.” and from there to “You should(n’t) do this” and “You can’t do this.”)

    There is rather to many societal norms around what is “correct” or “appropriate” clothing already and I think your phantasy about uniforms comes partially from that pressure. I’d rather a society where no one gives a fuck what you wear, than one that “encourages” dress codes. And uniforms are IMHO a step in the wrong direction.

  • They both approximate perfect representation close enough. If the difference between one government or the other comes down to variations that are basically explained by the weather being good or bad on voting day, you can’t really claim that the government isn’t representative.

    Just because it didn’t represent YOUR opinion, it doesn’t make it less representative. A truly representative government will make decisions that align with 10% of the population 10% of the time. So if 10% of the population want to bomb Canada a perfectly representative government will make it happen every 40 years or so.

  • Don’t actually tear down church buildings though.

    Many of them are beautiful and even if the morals of the Organisation(s) that built them are, to put it mildly, “outdated”, it is still a huge part of our cultural history.

    Use the spaces to open “sexual health centers” (like Planned Parenthood on steroids), libraries, and in like 1 or 2 per continent you could create memorial centers to keep alive the memories of the suffering created by organized, doctrinal religion.

    Moving past a phase of our cultural development has to include remembering that phase. The church buildings turned to useful purpose will be powerful monuments.

  • Because a Nation (and I know this sounds crazy) is not a person. You can do many things a country can’t and vice versa.

    For example, you can make a rule that in your house black people do not get sweet foods. It’s a dick move but not illegal. A country is not allowed to make a law that says black people can’t eat sweet foods, because that would be racist discrimination (which is illegal for the government to do in most countries).

    Another example: You can poop (like you did when posting that question). A country does not have a digestive tract and in fact does not eat and can therefore not poop.