It’s largely Sarcasm. And by large, I mean lots. Like, most, if not all of it. It’s gonna be sarcasm.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Being pretty anti social and born with bland anger for a facial expression, the masking was welcome. Sure when my hood is up I look like I am going to disappear into the shadows and re-emerge with a lethal implement to satisfy my woke urges for violence and combatting murder using death, but i really like the color black. It’s not my image or anything, just the wardrobe is all.

    That and I am not a healthy human. My physical form is like trash, but without the smell and pleasing taste. So masking up and staying that way has done me pretty well in combination with the shots of mind control serum and jager. Still got covid and it almost killed me. So healthy people not getting the vax kinda blows my mind.

    As I was saying, I have remained at large pretty masked up. I am kinda new in my area. It’s small town, so the antivax crowd is large by volume, but never say anything, really. Mostly dumb looks, and words amongst themselves. Whatever. They are all masking up now because of the really large retirement community that is practically this towns reason for being here.

    just shy of 8k population, everyone has a grandparent here. A hospital that has a dedicated extended care/hospice wing (think terminal and end of life senior citizens) , but no place to donate blood, should paint a picture of what would transpire if a significant outbreak hit the community. There has always been enough seniors at any given time here, that there is a huge focus on their care and wellbeing. While the place is the disneyland of depression and sadness that legit nobody leaves alive, it is very well run. the elderly get treated fairly well by this community which is a shock because coming from a 1m+ city, they almost just disappear.

    But I remind you that at a hospital, you can’t donate blood. Or have a baby there anymore I last heard, but that’s a whole different puddle of soup. A fucking hospital.

    So, while it saddens me that we gotta wait for people to die or be at significant risk to take measures, I welcome back the mask. And even those reluctantly masking up, I appreciate y’all “fuck fine” wearing of it.

    Good luck, and may your sense of taste be forever in your mouth.

  • Wage_slave@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAchievement for all of us
    10 months ago

    On other sites, I’ve been corrected. And I’ve been corrected a bunch of times here, too.

    The difference being here I learned something and it’s cool…

    and say over at reddit being corrected on something that you’re not only correct about, but called an asshole for it as well.

    It’s been a really nice change of pace. Thank you, inhabitants of Lemmy.

    Unless it’s windows… never admit you’re a windows user… ever… /s

  • Wage_slave@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlEverytime
    10 months ago

    Growing up weird and poor in a very conservative and arrogant part of the prairies, I was bullied relentlessly. The teachers never did anything unless it was me fighting back, to which it was suspension and I was a bad kid.

    As high school came along, I grew more and more violent to the point I wasn’t a loser or a tough guy, but a snap case. The other kids thought I was edgy, the parents thought I was bound for prison, and the teachers probably had a beer when I dropped out.

    My mom didn’t know what to do. And this was in a time where if your kid was in therapy, it’s was your failure as a parent. Combined with my disgust at the idea that I was what was broken, it was off the table. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I went for psychological help.

    By then, I was so suicidal and gone that I wouldn’t be near ok until my late thirties. In my mid forties now, I look back and see myself as the potential shooter. I’m holding back my emotions right now, thinking of it. Fortunately, there were no guns at my disposal back, back then is how I feel looking back. I don’t know if I’d be able to hurt anyone like that, but I’d fuck myself up.

    I lay a lot of blame on a system that allowed it to happen. In a community where open racism and homophobic views were the norm at the time, teachers were as judgmental as the students in some situations. Now maybe if I were white, it’d be easier, but even the broke white kids didn’t get any breaks. Especially from the teachers.

    Look at me go, a meme has me fucked up thinking back and dumping online. But yeah, there it is.

    I’d like to close by saying the town I grew up in is a far different place now. I’ve moved back and feel good here. I see teachers and bullies who don’t make eye contact, will not recognize me at all (which is my favorite) and the occasional happy to see you moments. I don’t communicate well in public these days, so it makes it ultra awkward, much like being in high school, talking to students you barely know.

  • I’ve been talking a bunch of shit out of annoyance. And there’s a bunch of posts echoing exactly what I was complaining about.

    Even getting called a liar.

    This is the only reasonable or polite response I’ve seen. Missed one maybe?

    So thanks. I really shouldn’t be painting the entire lifestyle with the same brush, because well here we are.

    So I’ll shut up, and say thanks. And for the record, my kid still makes me get the impossible patties. She’s not veg anything, so ita just cause they’re good and that on its own should be good enough. Not all is lost in my removed.

  • Being called stupid and criticizing my decisions kept me from “being brave”

    Like “You’re not good enough until you are this much” bullshit. If that’s the attitude, then fuck no. Why do I wanna go even further into things if y’all are assholes right off the bat. Like, no. fuck you. If it’s this complicated then I am going to do what has been a life of hassle free eating. My guilt is very easily wiped away like that.

  • In Canada, there is no tax write off or anything that compliments them in donations. It is totally and utterly a cock measure for “lookie at what we done!” for PR by making their employees ask people to their face for charity on behalf of the corporation. And the charities will encourage this because, well they get it all and they’re name also gets said directly to the face of the consumers.

    essentially they replaced a separate paid mall santa with an already paid teller and feel good about it.

    So please, tell Y’all Mart to fuck off. Find a manager to explain your distaste and disgust. Legit, go to customer service and get a manager. If you think you’re super cool and clever with “smrt cuments” or anger towards the poor fuck who has to ask, no. You’re an asshole and just being a cunt to ruin someones day. It’s not the worker, stupid. Many rely on those charities and it is doubly insulting and embarrassing to even bring it up.

    “I might need those har har har” fuck you. the person you are being a tard to is already on them. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

    If you mean it, and feel that desire to say it, take it to the fucking manager. Keep those pricks standing there for hours. You’d actually be getting your message into the correct channel, and likely doing the clerks a favor because i have never met one that felt good about having to ask people for money like that.