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Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • Biden was was talking like someone with the grogginess just getting woken up in the middle of the night then smoking a joint right before coming on. (i.e. We’re fucked either way.)

    As much as I don’t want to give Biden free passes just because he’s not Trump, I feel like I haven’t seen anyone mentioning the time limit set for responses during the debate. It clearly was not in his favor. Trump can talk your ear off about any nonsense he can dream of at a moments notice.

    Biden has always had to take time to think. Look at his speeches, look at the times he responds to reporters. There’s always pauses and gaps between responses where he has to think.

  • If this was law, and companies had to divulge how there stuff worked and was assembled, as well as sell parts, things would last longer.

    I’m all for it but I think you’re being a bit too optimistic. If we had the right to repair then the prices of repair kits and materials is going to go up most likely. I can think of a few other ways they can make that system obnoxious too.

    It’s like everything else. Yeah, the general systems in place could be greatly improved but ultimately the majority of the issues lie with the people at the top who refuse to let us have good things. No matter what laws are passed they will find a way to profit at any cost. The shareholders behind massive corporations are the first priority because no solution we create will work as efficiently as it can unless they are out of the picture.

  • They could have potentially run DeSantis, he just lacked the party’s backing. While he’s basically a younger, less orangey Trump for the most part, the fact that he’s a lot younger would have probably won a lot of people over. It wouldn’t change the GOP from being the MAGA party or change their current values or the general situation with the election though.

    We should be grateful that Trump is rather incompetent. He’s torn up the GOP as he can’t allow anyone to overtake him in the hierarchy he’s created. His own ego ensures that any competent ideas that could push his agenda forward are thrown out.

  • It wasn’t just the cotton gin though.

    I don’t think the founding fathers realized the sheer agricultural potential of the country, especially if you compare the size of the country’s territory to that of what it would be by the Civil War.

    Then there’s their backgrounds from the British, where an abolitionist movement had already existed for quite some time and the fact that the British were already industrializing and needed slavery even less. Great Britain was fairly liberal in general, so I’m sure that had a lot of influence on the founding father’s viewpoints. For context, during the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna in 1815 Castlereagh the main British representative managed to sneak in a handful of statements on slavery, suggesting the other powers should eventually end the practice. This was more so to impress the British people due to the current on-goings of British politics, but it’s still only 30ish years after American Independence.

  • Right, I forget that the concept of Thule changed over time.

    And yeah, they were definitely aware of the world outside of their own cartography. I believe there were definitely accounts of them attempting to journey on the Baltic Sea, but I don’t recall it ending well.

    Similarly they also were well aware of the Chinese. It’s disputed but Roman ambassadors or merchants made it to China at one point. I believe in 166 BCE a crew went over there, but unfortunately they likely returned home at a troubling time when the Antonine Plague was spreading.

    Might be wrong about some details though.