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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You can want to be as specific all you want. Doesn’t mean the person you initially replied to is wrong, especially given there’s a couple of American dictionaries who list that definition. And I’d temper your rhetoric about there being such a divide a bit too, especially when Ohio and Indiana voted for Trump the year he won. Sure seems like there were a bunch of northerners who were thinking along the same lines as those in the south…

    Also, no need to apologise for being a prick, you shouldn’t give two fucks about what people think of you here. I mean, why should you censor yourself for some randoms who don’t know you from a bar of soap? We all have opinions, we should be able to express them how we want. We should also expect criticisms of those opinions though.

  • Your first sentence is somewhat correct, I’d argue that dealing with any kind of absolute like you have done is incredibly dumb though. Of course being outspoken can get you bullied. It may be less likely in a university/college setting, but it’s definitely gonna happen. And your second second sentence is so wrong it’s almost comical. Bullying at a tertiary education level is so common that I guarantee there’s a bunch of studies done on it and probably a wiki page for it too.

    Edit: lol, yep, shit loads of studies (and there’s plenty more to be found than just these few), and the wiki exists.

  • How can that be a classic behaviour? For one, they haven’t done it, as illustrated by how hard they’ve cracked down on any facist behaviour since the cessation of WII. And wouldn’t they have had to have done it more than once for it to be a classic behaviour? They’ve literally been nazists once. They’d have to have been nazists more than once, and gone through the phases you’ve described for any normal person to call it a “classic”.

    You know what is an example of a classic behaviour though? Internet “experts” who just trust what they’re given and don’t do any research about it. Like you’ve done. Want proof? Read the other reply to the comment you’ve replied to here. And if that’s not enough, explain to me why the German foreign minister hasn’t been jailed/charged/etc for these remarks. Never trust just one source.

  • Love my G-Shock. Use it as my everyday beater at work etc. It’s knocked about to all hell, but it doesn’t look bad in anyway (a bonus of the casing being a polymer rather than metal). My only annoyance is that I love in Australia and we don’t get the time synch radio signals down here. So mines out a little bit (it’s only out by less than 3mins, and it’s fast rather than slow, so I don’t mind). Which is why I went with the Casio Oceanus for my more “fancy” watch. Yeah, it is sorta technically a smart watch, but it literally only has two smart functions. One, it can sync with my phone to adjust the time. And two, it can make my phone make noise if I hold down the button if I’ve lost my phone. Now, haven’t actually figured out how to do that second one yet (I’m no idiot, so I’ve asked various friends to attempt to use it too, they can’t either), but I don’t need that feature, so I couldn’t care less (I didn’t even know it was a feature til I had the device in my hands and was reading the manual). But yeah, as far as smartwatches go, it’s dumb as fuck. Which ain’t bad thing, I ain’t giving it any data to send to a server lord knows where…

  • “I don’t get my info from Google”. Then use your search engine of choice, “google” is basically genericized by now. The info is all there for you to read and not rely on your memory which is clearly wrong. And that’s understandable. It’s been 10yrs.

    And you’re not entirely right on the YouTube not stealing users from tiktok. YouTube shorts have more active users than tiktok does by a good margin. And tiktoks growth is slowing as a result. Again, these are all facts.

    And finally, you’re a fucking idiot. Why the fuck did Instagrams user count explode when they implemented short form video if that wasn’t an attractive feature? Why is my Instagram feed 85%+ videos over pictures? I don’t even follow celebrities on there, a handful of bands (be less than 10), the rest is friends but mainly content creators creating comedy. Be it memes, original creations, stand up clips, etc. Your memory is shit and fallible, the pages I literally just read are not as they are saved for posterity. I suggest you take my original suggestion and do some research on the topic instead of relying on your feelings before you make yourself look like a bigger idiot. Cos yeah, Instagram didn’t take 100% of vines users, but it still took a fucking huge amount of them. The data is all out there, written way better than I can write it. Go read it and stop trying to act like you know all, cos after you read a bit, maybe you might change your tune…

  • Sure, you might not have, but the data suggests that Instagram allowing its users to post 15s videos and monetise them was what allowed them to poach a lot of vine users. This isn’t me just talking shit, google “why did vine shut down” and I guarantee 95%+ of the results will say the same thing. Twitter got scooped in a big way. I mean, vine had more users than Instagram before it’s downfall.

  • Data caps may have played a part, but it would’ve been insignificant. They were 6s videos after all, and the average American was already using over 1GB of data even back then. Instagram had about the same amount of users at the time. And their willingness to give their users more flexibility than vine was by giving users 15s videos and the ability to monetise was all it took. It wasn’t helped by twitter giving zero shits about vine. Which kinda makes sense, they had their own video thing going.

  • Seaquest dsv is what they want. They changed it to seaquest 2023 for the last season, but I’d skip that anyway, I rewatched it a couple of years ago and that season is just straight garbage. Big changes to the cast, apparently the cast and the producers etc were constantly bickering, and boy does it show. Easy to see why it got canned before the season had even ended.