Linux hobbyist, Machinist and tinkerer

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • First Are you using bluebuild? There a many forks of custom image starting point. Secondly if your usijg bluebuild template. All files that specify packages and what modules should be on the recipes folder. Using recipe.yml is a very good starting point as you can specify how to install a package and what package manger to use. IE brew, rpm-ostree

    You can also add modles which you can take the bluebuild template and add a modules folder in the main tree. Bluebuild has premade modules, aswell as documentation to make a cutom module.

    And to answer your first question directly use recipe.yml in the recipes folder to specify other .yml files to be used in building. Secondly the best you can get is githubs builder in the actions tab, however some errors are BLOODY USELESS BECAUSE THERE WRONG. I have had a few times where it complained about not having a - at the top of a module. Even though there was one there, i eventually solved it after rewriting a part of my .yml i belive it was a formating issue

  • Machine is a very fun hobby, but be very careful when using high power tools. Mills, lathes and surface grinders can easily bite yah. As my shop teacher once said “If it can cut metal it can cut you!” “Metalworking tools are not toys, treat them with respect and they will respect you back” “Follow the MSDS procautions and shop rules, ie no long sleeves or gloves near rotary equitment and dont roll up sand paper on the lathe”

    It is very rewarding being able to show people the part you made and solving problems feels great too!

  • Metal working, (although kinda expensive to get into) sheet metal bending, machining, welding. I really enjoy learning and making real world useful parts out of metal.

    Wood working/whittling Its cheap to learn and can be very rewarding. Id suggest to look at local stores for discarded pallets for free wood. To make a few things out of, aim for hardwood, but lots of them end up being pine.

    Potentally electronics? (Although you said you didnt want a hobby that doesnt use computers)

    Photography could be rewarding Going outside to parks and just taking pictures really helps feeling grounded an in the now. And you can show others your photos!