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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Not necessarily the case, but if it’s affecting your life so strongly, you might want to get checked by a medical professional.

    Long COVID can destroy your life. Depression can destroy your life. Iron deficiency can ruin your life. A lot of things you might just think is just being tired may actually have a cause. Especially if simple fixes like “touch grass” style clichés do nothing for you.

    It’s not always the answer, but it’s good to rule out in that case.

    1. Done. Rewritten a few times. Fleshed out a bit.
    2. Learning the game engine real fast, as I haven’t used Godot before. But yes, that’s the plan. I have a minimal game loop I want to hit as the first target. And it’s not too much farther than the tutorial result I’m looking at + the main hook gameplay element of the game.
    3. Bounced the idea at least off people and they sound willing to jump into this.

    And of course that’s where the trail ends until it’s vetted enough to move forward.

    Nice to see it kind of laid out. Still don’t know how to get past the hurtle of my brain no longer working, but maybe I can still do it… Just slowly.

  • For many things, yes. I used to want to adopt kids, but I don’t think I can deal with the public perception of being a male(-ish) person caring for children anymore, having heard so many rough stories from close friends, who at least have a wife to yell at sexists. Having a less traditional partnership won’t win any positive counts in the public eye, no matter how good of parents we might be.

    There are quite a few stories of the same ostracizing for females (regarding SA), just less public attention on the stories for males who go through similar problems. All in all it’s fucked and we need people to take this seriously. I see the stand that this is making everyone defensive, but at the same time it is at least calling up the issue and maybe after people calm down, more people might acknowledge it? Yeah. I am too naive. Or wishful.

  • You have a fair point, but that doesn’t make the original point less important. You are on the statistically safer side of the coin, but NO one should be treated this way.

    Historically, rape victims on both sides have been ignored, blamed, and chastised. This needs to change. We need to have better treatment and justice for SA victims. Gender or sex shouldn’t come into the picture for how the situation is handled.

    I get why you’re mad at this, and I do not want to talk about details of my life, but I get why you’re mad at this for personal reasons. I just think it’s slightly misdirected. I wish people would take you seriously, again, for personal reasons. I hope you find support and safety.