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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • LTS kernels aren’t more or less stable. Rather, they have been selected by the kernel maintainers to get security fixes backported to them for a certain time.

    Ubuntu does the same thing for the kernels on their LTS versions (technically they usually are not LTS kernels since canonical supports them instead of kernel team)

    Overall I’d suggest going with what the distro provides unless you have very new hardware, in which case a newer kernel may be required

  • Just saw your edit. One thing you should be doing is taking ownership of directories you plan to be working in. So for an external drive for example, you’d want to make sure your user(s) have r/w/x permission recursively (granting permission for all files and folders underneath using the same command) on the root folder of the drive then you can move stuff on and off freely.

    I agree it could be more straightforward, but ideally you’d only have to do it one time when you first use the drive with that machine

  • That was also my take. If it’s something you should be able to edit, your user should have permissions to do that. Jumping to running as root every time has lots of unintended consequences.

    I do think a functionally similar idea would be a button to “take ownership” (grant “/r/w/x”) of a file that would prompt for root password. That way things don’t run as root that shouldn’t. Would that be a good compromise between Linux permissions and Windows workflow?

    Regarding formatting a drive, whatever program you are doing that in should ask for root p/w when performing that operation. If it just refuses because of permissions that seems like a bug.

  • Idk. I have a windows pc my work gave me, and the battery shits the bed constantly. I don’t even know were to begin troubleshooting the issue. I put in an ubuntu partition as an experiment, and the battery suddenly had a decent lifespan. I have my own linux laptop, so the partition was redundant and I ended up wiping it.

    My partner also has a windows laptop and it has it’s own weird issues. The start menu search frequently can’t find programs she has installed, or takes up to 10 seconds to even show a result. This isn’t an old laptop, nor a particularly underpowered one. She also has issue with certain browsers on her work’s vpn, and troubleshooting via remote desktop has caused her issues as well. In both those situations she borrowed a linux laptop from me and her work’s IT department was able to figure it out pretty quickly. Some of it has since been solved but once in a while it still comes up. (they had no RDP solution for linux but the VPN info she was given worked, which got her up and running)

    I’m sure someone more experienced with windows would just be able to fix these issues with a registry edit or something, but I have no idea where to begin. I have lots of respect for windows admins because it all feels like black magic to me. At least on linux you can google for solutions.

    I also find the gui(s) on linux to be less buggy, more performant, more logical, and more consistent that the windows UI. I’m sure if I were more experience I could make some tweaks and get Linux-quality performance, but the bugs and inconsistency are still rough when you are used to Linux’s simplicity.

    That’s my take anyway. I think the biggest thing is that knowledge and confidence smooths over a lot of issues, and that applies both ways. It seems like you have a lot of Windows experience that you can lean on and that’s great.