• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • You did the right thing. The only way in hell I would even consider having sex with a drunk/passed out person is if I had their full and enthusiastic consent received while stone cold sober. Intoxicated consent is not consent, and its a shame how our culture normalizes that shit or shames people into thinking that the only way they can do something with a ‘good conscience’. Which is funny, considering they’re intentionally putting themselves in a situation where they would then be taken advantage of instead of just talking about it like adults.

  • Just because the Republicans have yet to bring another fascist that has the charisma that Trump has, doesn’t mean they won’t have a fascist with the amount of charism of trump had.

    Trump wasn’t an aberration, he’s the new normal for Republicans. It’s just a matter of time before the next person who knows how to jingle their keys in front of the idiot masses and they find a new ‘god emperor’ to obsess over. And with our luck, they won’t be nearly as stupid and incompetent as trump is.

  • Only what you assume. I’m voting for Biden.

    I’m glad to hear that. I apologize for lumping you in with those pushing the ‘dont vote blue’ bullshit while professing* their opposition to genocide. As I said above, that’s the virtue signalling I’m talking about, and that’s exactly what that behavior is.

    I’m not asking anyone to vote for Trump, to not vote, or to vote third party. In this very thread I’ve said to vote for Biden. Not that you care.

    I’m not going to spend 30 minutes to an hour on every person replies to me with what appears to be virtue signaling to not vote left to see if they’re actually voting Biden. Again, I apologize for lumping you in with the rest of those. But given the quantity of that behavior it is not out of line to assume.

    The only reason I ask people to vote for Biden is because I care about genocide. I want to stop the genocide as much as I can, and prevent a genocide from coming here to our shores. I have family and friends who are LGBT+, and I am afraid for their safety and lives if Trump were to be elected.

    And for anybody who pretends that they care about that, while pushing behaviors that actively sabotage their stated goals, I am absolutely going to call out as virtue signalling because that’s what it is. I want to see people actually take actions that align with what they say they believe, not just talk about it while sabotaging their goals through messaging pushed by their opposition as well.

  • Are you planning on voting for the candidate who is going to be the lesser evil and minimize the harm, or are you going throw it away on a protest vote/not vote at all?

    Because if you’re doing the latter, you’re not opposing genocide, you’re abdicating your opposition by not opposing the person who wants to finish the job. Not voting against trump on the general election while professing* to oppose genocide is virtue signalling because you’re explicitly and intentionally not doing the one thing that will have the most effect on the genocide.