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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • I’m used to politicians being corrupt, hypocritical, dishonest, out of touch, naive etc. but I hoped they’d never become stupid/insane and yet…

    Maybe in the future your parents will get a presidential candidate they actually want to vote for but It’s nice to know that in an age of vitriol and misinformation there are adults looking at the bigger picture and making a pragmatic choice. Good on them.

  • Good numbers. Thank you. Between your answer and somebody else I think we’re currently at about six in ten eligible voters voting of which about three voted Trump so about thirty percent of active US voters all share the same baseline of stupidity. (According to this meme’s cannon) Still seems big numbers, an inordinately large cluster, but I’m no expert. (I’m now tempted to find out how many people are “unregistered non-voters” (?) that could legally become enfranchised and see how that affects the numbers again)

  • Correct. Mostly senior politicians of ALL major parties ( so that could theoretically be a mix of tories, labour, snp, lib-dem, dup, sinn fein, plaid, green, sdp (if anyone is still alive), independent etc.) across the floor of either House of Parliament; plus some religious leaders, some British and also non-British judges and a few other people. Bit of a mixed bag because if all your advisors agree on everything you probably need new advisors.

  • The problem here is that no matter how much you hate Trump and his grift policies are you really ready to suggest that just under half of your voting age adults nationwide all have the same (low) intelligence? That would not seem to reflect well on your compatriots either when you calculate averages, means and medians.

  • So when (if) the Conservative Party fail to win an absolute majority at the forthcoming general election and a new party (parties) form the government what effect will that have on BBC productions and editorial policy? How will I detect these government controlled shifts in output? Will all the (current) government planned and controlled content be immediately shelved and the new government will only show repeats / reruns until new propaganda is produced?