The Lazyest of Banes

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • There was the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. It’s not a whole country going anarchist and no doubt the limited amount of people with the nessisary skill sets to have a functioning society (judging from the food garden they set up) held back the viability of the protest, but in general the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest was widly seen as a wild failure.

    It’s an interesting thing to look up on, and I’d definitely recommend anyone who is serious about anarchism to study it for the potential pit falls of an anarchist society that they would need to work out first.

  • This is really the terminal issue with Reddit alternatives. They are just Reddit minus the most recent controversy as of foundation. Reddit is overall just a popular content aggregation website with poorly design discussion features.

    Upvotes and down votes, while intended to help users weed out bad arguments and spam, only achive in promoting sophistry and tribalism. What ends up getting upvoted is what “wins” the argument, while good arguments that come from unpopular viewpoints get downvoted.

    And with that comes all the toxic elements from old Reddit ruat we all hope just won’t be a part of our replacements. Reddit’s format works at a smaller scale, where users are typically more enthusiastic and therefor better informed, but as the sites get larger you’ll notice they typical hyper-snarky “owned with facts and logic” attitude take hold of a community as more people with a weaker investment jump on the bandwagon and upvote everything that makes them feel smart.

    Eventually, the site becomes just like Reddit, but for a smaller and more insulated community, and users begin to question why they’re here instead of Reddit which has the established user base that can reliably cover more topics you are interested in.

    We have not learnt from history, and we are doomed to repeat it. Maybe it’ll be different in the future.

  • When I worked as a cleaner at a supermarket I got moved to the evening shift which used to have two people who got laid off.

    I was on my own and it quickly became apparent that the shift needs two people to actually get everything done. I pointed it out, but the section lead (incompetent nepohire who was literally kicked out of every other section for being a terrible leader) just decided I was being slow.

    Even after I broke down the hour per hour workload, they just insisted I had to learn how to work faster. One “tip” they had was to just throw water everywhere and mop it up to save time. Let’s not even get to the “mental health ping-pong table” they have.

    Whenever I visit that supermarket today it still looks filthy.

  • I just think we should hold our political representatives to a higher standard. Trump got in, for a number of cultural reasons I’m told, but a significant contributing factor was because Democrats pushed Hillary Clinton super hard under the assumption that they’d win anyway, and ended up alienating much of the left who didn’t like Hillary who, shockingly, didn’t vote for her.

    Biden’s stance on Israel has likely alienated much of the voter base who has ties to Palestine or at the least are sympathetic to their struggle. I don’t like seeing patterns of loss in the party that’s supposed to be the good guys in the two honestly pretty bad parties.