• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2023


  • As a recovering alcoholic, I will answer your question as to when you become alcoholic. I drank every night for 22 years before I started having issues in the day. It took me a while to figure out that I was going through withdrawals. I didn’t think I could be having withdrawals, because I drank last night. The withdrawals got steadily worse until I had to start taking a sip at lunch just to calm them. After some time the sip at lunch turned into a sip after lunch, a sip before lunch, and eventually a drink every hour just to ward off the massive withdrawals.

    Addiction is a progressive disease. It always gets worse, but not at the same rate for everyone. I had a friend that died of alcoholism at 27. I drank just like he did, sobered up at 44, and am still here.

  • Eh, I’ve decided not to worry about it. Like I said, I only used it so that when people posted something somewhere that is linked to FB, I could see it. I figured I would try to get back into my account if it was possible to without giving them my id, but it doesn’t seem like it is so I won’t . It’s not that big of deal. I’ve always uninstalled Facebook from every phone I’ve bought, and only connected to it through a sandbox because I don’t like or trust Meta. It’s not a big loss.

  • There is nothing more to it. My original account was never suspended. Like I said, I only use it to click on links to FB. I’ve never posted anything.

    I used a DDG email for the new account. IDK if that has anything to do with it. I know some sites don’t accept that as an email. I got a welcome email a little afterward, and clicked the link. When I signed in, It also said I was suspended.

    I am using a VPN. Maybe it’s because that IP address has been used for another account. I’m just guessing there, because it didn’t tell me why it was suspended. It just gave me a link to their TOS.

  • The “current gen AI” is the key here. How sustainable it is depends on how quickly it can grow and improve. Technology is growing much faster than in the past. I remember getting a dictation program in 1998. I had to spend 2 hours talking to it so it could learn my voice. Even after all that, it still only had about a 25% success rate in properly transcribing my text. In 2015 I bought my first smart watch. The first voice transcription I made from it was 100% correct with absolutely no learning of my voice at all.

    I believe that the LLM will quickly give way to a different type of AI. There may be several different approaches to AI before something really takes hold and changes the game.

  • I’m not sure where you get the idea that “the pilgrim thing is all made up”. It’s was very well documented at the time, and the texts of the individuals involved are available through the national archives.

    The national holiday of Thanksgiving has been transformed into part of the retail Christmas season. It was cemented as such by FDR. The holiday is more about focusing on Christmas spending, and guaranteeing annual profits for retailers than it is about giving thanks to God for the blessings that have been bestowed upon individuals.

    If you don’t like when the holiday is, then you are more than welcome to celebrate it at another time, just as much as you can not celebrate it at all, if you choose so. If the actions of the last few years have shown us anything, it’s that traditions are no longer sacred. Just live your life the way you choose, and ignore what everyone else is doing.