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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • No kids, ever. I can hardly take care of myself, can’t even be trusted with a plant, and I find them disgusting. Who will care for me when I am old? I have worked long and hard with the elderly, and knowing how many of them were abandoned by their families, it is easy to see that my odds are better investing the money I would use to raise a child, in a retirement fund instead.

    But with how broke I am, I am not even getting to do the retirement fund thing, so yay. Glad I didn’t let an ex change my mind when I was earning a lot back in the day, because those jobs got “optimized” and outsourced.

  • If I could, I would hug you and give you a pastry. Thank you for being amazing, giving good explanations and keeping your cool in the face of that dumbass jerk. Hell knows my queer, autistic ass just can’t cope.

    Language is important because it helps convey things. If a language is mangled to the point where it can’t be understood, it is no longer a language at all, and the person you have been responding to seems to either be a troll, too profoundly stupid or actively unwilling to engage in proper communication.

  • To keep us from going to the moon, which is both a projection, but behind that projection is the actual gold reserves.

    To keep us from reaching the ice wall, or beyond it, to the outer realms and to the hollow earth(According to my source, it is easier to climb down the outside of the ice wall to reach the hollow earth than to dig through the earth’s cortex) (And yes, according to my source, the flat earth is floating on top of the hollow earth).

    Oh, and to keep the aliens and the secret elite safe and out of reach. Also, Epstein isn’t dead, he was extracted by the powers and moved down there as well, so he doesn’t tell anyone about the horrors under our feet.

    Source: My nutty aunt.

  • I am cis, yet I used to wear women’s jeans because my ass is glorious, and back in my day they just didn’t make form flattering clothes for men. Wore foundation and a little make up to help boost my self esteem and hide my scars, and enhance my natural beauty, and acted “as a woman” because I was already androgynous as fuck, and I had a lot of fun watching people get mindfucked and perplexed when they found out I was a non gender conforming mechanic.

    There are many reasons to wear women’s clothes, you don’t get to invalidate everyone else because you think everyone who has enjoyed some things from “the other side of the fence” is trans, in denial and you are the only one who knows better and can save them.

    That is some real “white savior” grade bullshit, mate.

    Glad you’re getting yeeted.