• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Not sure about biological reasons. Its possible I spose but without more medical knowledge. In not sure how removing / changing organs as they grow developmentally effects the final outcome.

    The argument has always been about the maturity of the candidate. And the idea that surgery is not practically reversible. Vs the mental harm of growing up in a body that dose not match your perceived gender.

    But I have to wonder. As In the UK and I am sure the US hormone blockers are also being attacked with often questionable medical evidence as to the harm the may do when used on developing teenagers.

    Given In the UK it is definatly not legal for anyone under the age of consent to have gender reasignment surgery. The current attacks seem to be aimed at making it impossible for that surgery to achive its best success once it is legal.

  • Warning long left of centre rant. TLDR = Don’t Read my waffle if you don’t want to.

    Kinnock added that if Labour was overly cautious in government, it would play into Reform’s narrative that there was little difference between the two main parties.

    Unfortunately that seems to be a losing battle. Caution in spending leads to lack of difference between the right wing.

    Spending of any form leads to attacks from the right and centre as irresponsible.

    And both sides of that debate have a point. The issue is their points are weighed with irrelevant attacks. Labours current right of centre fiscal ideals are still backed by more emotional responsibility to citizens. Then the Tory robber barrons currently forming the real right.

    And Spending dose not need too be irresponsible. Even when money is short. It can be slow and built around investment. IE investing in utilities housing etc that will return funding to the government.

    Unfortunately that is where the rights insincerity in attacks show the worst. Any investment that has th oppertunity to raise money is attacked by the right wing media as inefficiencies etc.

    Even the tories own figures suggest 7.5% Inefficency is all the difference between government owned vs privrate, and while that has no real evidence at all to back it up. Dose anyone think they have seen a 7.5% improvement in services or cost from privrate providers of monopoly style utilities. Of course not. No privrate corperation is going to be interested in running such utilities etc based on a 7.5% profit.

    It stuns me that the tory attack on social housing has not been more of a point over the last 10 years. They made an open choice to force social housing to raise prices so it did not compete with privrate. Meaning they increased their own wellfare budget hugly. While allowing/creating the housing cost crisis we have now.

    Its insane how irresponsible the tories have been. Its hard to honestly think moves like that are not intentional to limit the moves any left of centre government can make.

  • Yep. But honestly the Tories are skilled at this shit. Labours lead has way more to do with hatred of the Tories. Then hope/love for labours offering. While the polls still have a large number of undecided responses.

    The Tories know full well they only need dislike for labour or stammer to at the least leave labour with a weak majority maybe even change to a coalition government.

    And while ill say the Tories are worse off for partners in the event that a coalition is needed. A Labour Lib Dem or less likely Labour SNP gov is not going to be hugely popular.

    While the Tories turning things around with some last min bacon sandwich like crap is very doable. Fighting for a weak gov where they can take advantage on Labours infighting is likely the path they see ahead.

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.ukOPtoUK Politics@feddit.ukDo not under estimate the Tories
    6 days ago

    Agreed. But its not about starmer being good. Its about being less bad then the Tories.

    FPTP is an utter fuck over of an electoral system. That leaves very few places where voting 3rd party or even not voting is not a vote for Tory rule.

    Its unpleasant but a simple fact that evil is quantifiable. When your choice is limited via the voting system. Refusing to vote for the lesser of 2 evils basically means you support goes to the greater.

  • I’m just doing it with more frustration than ever before

    Pretty sure that represents the labour lead atm. Def folks wanting to vote against tories rather then for labour. Unfortunately it also leave the Tories with an open attack vector. They just need to time the right attack to dramatically split the left vote in Lab seats where they are still 2nd.

  • Why are you still trying to link the two people still now.

    Because that is where the Tories are likely spending some money. They keep bringing up the he supported Corbyn. They and the right wing of labour spent in the last election to destroy his reputation. So the Tory party sees it as a cheap attack to push the idea over social media.

    I am a little disappointed that it is not answered with, how Rishi was willing to support a PM candidate with a racist publications in the media and later willing to lie to parliament to prevent their ability to shut down his policies.

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.ukOPtoUK Politics@feddit.ukDo not under estimate the Tories
    6 days ago

    Agreed. My grammar is bad. I am always happy when folks politely point out errors. Or ask to clarify things it confuses.

    But I am also visually impaired. So situations like this where every obvious typo is pointed out. I judge as being someone looking to reinforce their own feeling of lacking intelligence.

    Also, when you consider intelligence is a measure of a minds ability to adapt. Failing to interpret based on small errors in spelling etc. Is far from an indication of higher intelligence.

  • Diane Abbott was suspended for stating non black race did not suffer the same as black.

    While I don’t disagree with her. Although her wording was politically incompetent.

    How is it the same as this report that identified the racism but in no way compare s it to other forms of racism.

    Edit: to be clear. Dispite criticism of her here. I have huge respect for Diane Abbott. And when you compare the publics response to some of her mistakes. To that of very similar or identical mistakes from white male politicarians. There is clearly a difference beyond political opinion.

    Diane has been attacked on social media and real media for things that fly past when other politicarians make equally bad errors.