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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The way I see it, and I’m pretty sure this will get downvoted, is that pedophiles will always find new material on the net. Just like actual, normal porn, people will put it out.

    With AI-generated content, at least there’s no actual child being abused, and it can feed the need for ever new material without causing harm to any real person.

    I find the thought of kiddie porn abhorrent, and I think for every offender who actually assaults kids, there are probably a hundred who get off of porn, but this porn has to come from somewhere, and I’d rather it’s from an AI.

    What’s the alternative, hunt down and eradicate every last closeted pedo on the planet? Unrealistic at best.

  • Capitalism really is trading goods for currency, and allowing lending and investment. What’s going on though, with unchecked companies and laughable fines, ruins the whole thing. In its current state, capitalism will be our undoing, but with proper laws, regulations and oversight, it could work.

    The problem is, corps have grown too powerful already and can blackmail governments. It’s like other models that could work in theory, but never benefit the people in the end. Communism tends to lead to tyranny, for example.

    People are just really shit at designing and running big societies.