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Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Harris was the first to drop out of the last Primary. Do people really think that she is what the majority of Democrats wanted?

    Oh, she’s pro locking up more people and making the Drug War even bigger by continuing to go after chronic pain patients and people who need medication after surgeries.

    She ticked the correct policy boxes of big business and prison labor way before her superficial looks allowed an old racist like Biden tokenize her.

  • Maybe this will stop Congress from abdicating their duty to the Executive Banch and start passing updates to laws. The way we had it was that every change of president allowed more cronyism to change the rules.

    Doesn’t anyone remember that Trump gutted the EPA and made them change how they worked scientifically? How the DOE decided that Coal and Gas production was the future during Trump? Did everyone forget that Trump allowed the Department of the Interior to sell gas lease for the Arctic Wildlife Preserve.

    All those changes used a Chevron defense.

  • Am I the only one who remembers that Biden said he would only serve 1 term because the DNC pulled out more trickery to keep Brnie from winning?

    They made sure to keep every other candidate up until super Tuesday and then all the other candidates pledged their votes to Biden. Warren made sure to stay in to keep those people who voted for her from voting for the only other progressive.

    Harris had the worst showing of the last primary, so why should she be considered a frontrunner. The Democrats are running the same plan they did in 2016 and 2020, but we aren’t Trump is a terrible position. U admit that he’s a better choice than Trump, because any half-dead moderate Democrat is right-wing enough to be slightly better than Trump.

    The DNC is too invested in their Corporate Pragmatism to realize that the only Corporate Elites backing Biden are doing it so that they have a modicum of morality. They don’t mind Trump because Trump will give them everything.

    The DNC spent too long slowing down the major Trump prosecutions so that they would happen this year instead of last year to help with the election which has backfired. They didn’t have anyone to stand out in the last 4 years, just hoped and prayed that Biden would last.

    We have 2 people who aren’t fit for office to choose from. 1 is a degenerate compulsive liar and grifter, while the other has lost which century we belong too and keeps having senior moments. One will give us Project 2025 and try to declare himself president for life, while the other will not help the regular people because nobody in the Administration understands that Stock values are not a good economic metric for those who can’t afford to invest because food, rent, Healthcare, and gas is too expensive for jobs that haven’t had a major pay increase in a decade.

    Yes I’ll vote Biden, but we shouldn’t be forced into this.

  • So nice that before this happened, the railworkers wanted to strike duets safety concerns and understaffed Railroads. All to keep them from taking days off and lowering profits.

    Good old Joe Biden (friend to the working man) denied the strike request because interfering with Christmas shipping would be a problem.

    I think the railworkers should have called his bluff and all off the job. Unlike Reagan and the Air Traffic Strike, the military can’t just take over those jobs. He couldn’t replace the entire unionized jobs like the AIR Force could take over flight operators.

  • In the US, there are multiple Supreme Court precedent cases that force profit-maximizing. Shareholders can sue the CEO and board to maximize profit seeking.

    So yes, increasing shareholder value is enshrined in US law. Only private corporations can get around that rule. Also, a corporation cannot be forced to break the law to maximize profits, that’s just something most CEO’s are willing to do for fun.

  • I think the issue comes that it only syncs messages one way and doesn’t sync on deletions. Apple should have messages that are removed from all devices when removed from the phone, but it didn’t remove messages when deleted.

    Sure the guy is a moron for being a cheater and scumbag, but Apple should remove deleted messages. That’s a privacy problem with Apple’s sync. I don’t use Apple devices due to other Apple crap, but setting up iCloud sync should have a warning when items won’t be deleted and only will be downloaded to devices.

    Wasn’t an entire stupid movie about the horrible sync pitfalls in Apple devices premiered years ago?

  • Those were many things on their own that would fix the problems. Fixing the pay inequality is the easiest, but making companies pay taxes would be pretty easily if those in power weren’t bribed to not pass those changes.

    Gun laws don’t lower crime, crime has been lowered without them. The media makes good money with pushing the fear aspect, the same way that Trump gets media attention for all the BS coming from his mouth. The media never shows people protecting themselves with gun’s because it goes against their main narrative.

    The main reason billionaires push the anti-gun rhetoric is because they don’t want to face the gun’s when people finally get sick of their exploitation.

  • Sadly that’s what most of the gun laws are designed about. Book banning and anti-abortion both are limiting tools because of what a small minority choose to do with the tool.

    AI image generation shouldn’t be considered in obscenity laws. His distribution or pornography to minor should be the issue, because not everyone stuck with that disease should be deprived tools that can be used to keep them away from hurting others.

    Using AI images to increase charges should be wrong. A pedophile contacting and distributing pornography to children should be all that it takes to charge a person. This will just setup new precedent that is beyond the scope of the judiciary.

  • All this does is impact legal gun owners and makes it so the poor don’t ever have the means to defend themselves.

    The only thing that increasing legal firearm costs does is keep the elites able to protect themselves and their lifestyles while making sure nobody can rise up against them.

    This means more people are unable to practice with their guns, which has the opposite effect of making things safer.

    Firearms are tools and an inalienable right for all people, not just the wealthy. The push by the elites to attack Gun Rights are so that nobody can oppose them when they keep increasing prices and their greed becomes an even greater burden to the rest of the population. Crime has been going down for decades, but the anti-gun groups still push the fear of guns.

    The amount of spree shootings are almost insignificant for the majority of kids at schools, but they constantly make kids afraid of guns by pushing the shooter drills.

    The fix to gun violence is fixing economic inequality. Stop treating the majority of the population as slaves and increase wages and break up the Oligopoly that controls goods and services. Stop allowing stock market manipulation and bribery. Start charging the wealthy people and multinational corporations taxes like they used to. Stop giving the wealthy people the ability to pay less Social Security taxes and let disabled people not be forced below the poverty line. Force the Stock Market to pay dividends instead of allowing stock price be the only value from investing. Finally, bring back pension funds, stop qualified immunity, regulate media companies again, and fix the election spending problems.

    Every single one of those changes will do more to stop violence than increasing taxes on firearms and ammo. Hell, they started promoting smoking again because CHIP funding was down because too many people stopped smoking and the rich didn’t want to pay for childhood health insurance.

    I’m glad I don’t live in California anymore, but criminals don’t pay taxes and won’t ever follow gun laws. Also, police have no duty to protect, so their only job in modern society is to fill out the paperwork when some criminal kills an unarmed person. Most police will shoot the civilians they were called to protect from the criminals and will be rewarded with paid vacation time. Making it more expensive to protect yourself and your family really is a bad call.

    Oh, and just a FYI; when Biden reschedules Cannabis, it will make every dispensary under the control of the DEA. So the DEA can just close them all down or make up new rules to steal all the profit from Marijuana sales nationwide. The DEA will become the supplier of all Cannabis and everything that the last decade did for legalization will disappear.

    Nobody in Government really has a clue and the Supreme Court will keep steamrolling our rights.