• 4 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • Yes, and I really don’t care what you think, bud. People are allowed to enjoy things in different ways.

    I post memes for engagement, and specifically to catch the errant cultist that pops up here and there. I live in Texas where they’re pretty big on voter suppression. It takes me between 2~4 hours to vote usually, and I know it doesn’t matter for statewide elections. I still vote, but honestly it doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things here. So I figure I’ll do my part donating and trying to convert a cultist from voting somewhere else (where it’ll matter a bit more) when I feel up to it.

    Your opinion pretty much matters zilch to me. I stopped caring about Fartbox the moment I found out he wasn’t a cultist. I don’t really care about you either.

    And that’s okay. You are a cutie pie though. You probably shouldn’t give me so much to work with if you don’t want to give yourself an aneurism. I’m not even being that mean about it. Just… stay away from the IRL comments. You’re immediately outing yourself as an unserious person when you go there.

  • Please get your head straightened out. If this was real life I would be straightening it out for you or I would consider not speaking to you again. Do you understand?

    Lol. Oh, now this takes me back. You guys are adorable.

    I’m just imagining you going, “I’mma fuck this dude up, but… you know, if he’s too big or knows kung-fu or some shit, I’m never gonna talk to him again. That’ll show him how tough I am. You understand, fucker? I’m going to CONSIDER never talking to you again. Are you sorry now?”

    Thank you, keyboard warrior. I’ve learned the error of my ways.

    I do understand. Please don’t hurt me. I promise I won’t do it again.

  • Oof, I got what I wanted out of this post but you sound genuine, so Imma wade back in for a second here.

    Yeah, of course. It could have been worded differently. But I’m not going for accuracy. I’m going for:

    1. Is it short enough to read in a few seconds
    2. Does it elicit a response.

    And I already clarified why I chose the specific phrasing and picture. It’s because the only real defense an actual cultist can make is to say it’s not as bad as pedophilia because it’s just garden variety incest.

    I’m not ashamed to admit I have an “agenda”.

    The right wing in this country weaponized that word to attack everything from school teachers to trans folk. I wanted to pair quotes and imagery that left absolutely no wriggle room to dispute it, and rub their nose in it.

    I want the link of Trump=Pedo paired with irrefutable evidence of his sexual degeneracy and this is as close as I can get until Trump admits he is one in National TV. (Rate he is going I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.)

    As for my interaction with Mr. Fartbox(?) over here…

    Looks like I’m catching some aggro from the folks hung up on accuracy, and I gotta say, being new to the party it’s kind of heartwarming to see you guys all coming together to defend one of your own.

    It’s sweet.

    That said, I’m going to keep making the style of memes I like, you’re welcome to make your own, and by all means downvote to your heart’s content when the inaccuracy of the word choices bothers you.

    I thought the guy was a proper cultist, (he did a convincing job of cosplaying one) hence that specific comment thread where you see me essentially trying to make him say one bad thing about Donald Trump, and failing.

    If he wasn’t so stubborn the thread would have been two comments long.

    If he’s not, great! That’s one less cultist to convince to sit home or pull for Harris this November. I also wouldn’t have wasted 30 minutes of my time trying to convert one, but I’m just as happy to know he wasn’t one in the first place.

  • Maybe not him, but I’ll eat my own hat if you’re not definitely related to him in some way though. Because you’re a little ‘too’ indignant. It’s sweet you want to defend him but your anger is misplaced.

    I was a LOT nicer than most folks would be to cultists commenting in a thread about Trump’s sexual proclivities. And the guy spent 10+ comments absolutely refusing to admit that Trump may be an incest loving degenerate.

    I do hope you have a good evening though. I am. I don’t get how you figured I was the angry one in that exchange. I was just trying to help a cultist break free.

  • You can’t bring yourself to say he’s an incest loving degenerate when I give you a direct quote and a photo of him clearly giving a very ‘unfatherlike’ kiss to his own daughter.

    Cultists don’t get affected by anything they can explain away with plausible deniability, no matter how unlikely. Which is why I think you hate this meme so much. There isn’t much to hide behind. Nothing, really. He’s a pedophile, but barring a direct quote from him saying on national TV, “Hi, My name is Donald Trump and I raped Katie Johnson, and my daughter too.”… you’ll deny he is one.

    Just say the words. Do you need more bird pictures?

    Lets start with baby steps.

    … Is he, an incest loving degenerate?