• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • I’ve been watching Majority Report with Sam Seder. Watched Breaking points since they were on the Rising with The Hill. Something just started to slowly change with them when they broke off. There’s the constant Ad’s (which is understandable, but was excessive), segments hidden behind a paywall, personalities started to change after surgery then Kyle Kulinski got heavily into the mix including romantically. I don’t know, just seemed the show started to take over the lives of the hosts, Sam and Emma have been a breathe of fresh air on Majority (even when Emma drinks a little too much lol). The show is their job and Sam is pretty professional, decent daily live show with clips of segments also being uploaded.

  • Seriously, thank you for taking the time to read and respond. The 3rd link is a long word salad of an article they probably could’ve done better with, some highlights:

    Another long, contentious new calendar process then might mean uncertainty with real electoral consequences — perhaps even making it difficult for Democrats running in a competitive presidential primary to know where to campaign, hire staff and advertise.

    “These early states really do condition the campaign. The early states don’t guarantee a winner, but they tell us who is going to lose, at least in the first rounds,” Redlawsk said. “The winnowing is very likely to be different if the first state is South Carolina, or Nevada, or some combination, than if it were Iowa or New Hampshire.”

    The party can try and mitigate that by starting its 2028 calendar discussions early, potentially even weeks after next year’s election. (we’ll see if this come to fruition)

    It’s effective when you take into consideration what DNC spokesmen require, "they did not reach the standards for their nomination: a candidacy that is “generally advocated and recognized in the news media,”.

    I can link articles and interviews by Bernie if you wish but I’m going to assume you know of the legal battles and statements made by him during the campaigning and after. “fall-in-line” is definitely my words, but then you go on to describe exactly what fall in line means. The term does come across as negative but the reality is he made declarative statements beforehand and has now changed his position in favor of what the DNC wishes to do… there are other terms I could use I guess but the general description is the same.

    I incorrectly assumed you were using the “this is a foreign bot” defense and were telling other people to not drink the kool-aid that I see used all the time so actual conversations can’t develop. It’s why I included the you and I part so I do apologize for that.

    I can’t come to the same conclusion you have with the data, I’ve pointed out just a few of the ways in which the DNC jerryrigs their primaries and candidates. We see the manipulation of media and the cost of running a candidacy which completely undermines any contender. We aren’t seeing any “viable challengers” because of decades of hurdles and organizations (both local and national) that limit those who are highlighted, which in turn allows the DNC to say “well we don’t think they have a chance so they’re not allowed to run”. It’s like a boxing match where every opponent of Biden’s has to wear weights and have their hands tied but “Biden would’ve won anyways because he’s the better boxer”.

  • more hand-waving, “anyone can make a video platform”. No, you need infrastructure, SEO attention, Creators, etc etc. You don’t just “decide” to run in elections, the bar for entry is beyond anything a citizen or even most politicians can accrue. Bernie Sanders fell in line a long time ago with the same party he openly said was unfairly treating elections. Vote Biden if that’s your choice and I fully support that, but we need to stop sugar coating and pretending everything is A-ok in the DNC if we ever want an elected official who represents the average voter in the party.

  • But either way, when you start, you just have to accept that something has a cause and effect.

    It is what it is, that’s the point I was trying to get across. People get held up on the why or how which is impossible to know without further studying because it’s not always intuitive to our perceived everyday experience.

    You know I didn’t really mean a “belief” right? Just the ability to let your mind sink in an experience or knowledge without first grasping the full concept “like ‘magic’”.

  • For me, it’s any community of Tradespeople. I can find relevant manufacturer and adjacent code regulations for modern equipment or building techniques anywhere online. The problem comes from obscure-ancient technology that was discontinued 60+ years ago, the only references to those are on Reddit and very specific forums.

    I recently ran into an electrical panel that was built in the 60’s and was promptly made illegal (split bus residential panel, no singular main disconnect switch). Even being trained and educated as an Electrical Engineer, it only gave me the ability to understand what the panel was doing, not the history and use cases of the past (since their use in residential applications is obsolete). I was able to find discussions between inspectors and electricians, how things played out with local authorities, and the on going debate of their practicality by actual professors discussing regulations and safety. I will miss these resources if they become unavailable at a future date (the whole enshitification process).

    That being said, places with higher than average traffic (like reddit now) tend to give a lot of crappy answers. Lot’s of diy’ers thinking their way is best (whether it’s code compliant or not), and others who don’t care about discussion and only want to say you’re doing it wrong because it’s not how they would do it (and nets them the highest profit margin on a job). There’s lots of owners out there that are probably afraid to ask a question now adays because of the responses (same linux community effect), even though the information around it could be important.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlGoodbye Reddit, Hello Lemmy!
    1 month ago

    Eh, anything linked on Reddit has it’s own link on here in regards to News. I get news from multiple sources offline and on so putting up with Reddit’s negative aspects isn’t worth it for me. I also enjoy the discourse on here a lot more, Reddit responses seem more of a “bubble” than the entire Lemmy community you’re labeling.

    I’ll share 2 semi-recent posts I read as an example of why I’m on here instead of Reddit. Btw, both of these posts are about the same BBC article but obviously paint a completely different picture.

    Reddit : Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

    Top 4 Comments (1387 total)

    • holy shit its been 7 weeks since that collapse? (13.4k upvotes)
    • Part of the ship, part of the crew! (4712 upvotes)
    • I think “stuck on the ship” is a better phrase. “Trapped” brings to mind being wedged under a fallen brace or something. (8388 upvotes)
    • So not trapped just maintaining the ship like they’re paid to do. (5756 upvotes)

    Lemmy: They detonated chunks of the bridge while sailors are on board because the US won’t allow them shoreside.

    Top 4 Comments (30 total)

    • This shit is extremely weird and happens all over. For some reason sailors are just absolutely not allowed off their shitty falling apart ships and have to stay on board even after the owners vanish and leave them hanging in the wind. There are sailors trapped in this situation in ports all over the world - the ships are too damaged to sail, or the owners vanished without paying port fees and the ship is impounded, or whatever. Weird shit. And all these sailors, mostly from global south countries, are trapped. The country they’re stuck in won’t let them off the ship, they have no way to pay for port fees or fuel and sometimes even food or water. It’s utterly fucking bizarre. I don’t think it’s a large number of ships in absolute terms, but it is common in the sense that at least a few ships are trapped in this limbo all the time. There’s this whole world of ultra-shady shipping with ships that are registered in sketchy tax haven countries, or have no registration, and they get abandoned all the time. And sailors in general just get treated like shit. A lot of sailors come from poor global south countries and get treated as disposable. Terrible conditions, bad or no support from the ship owners, if something goes wrong they can be stranded and totally fucked. It’s a mess, like a serious problem for workers. @Frank@hexbear.net
    • the FBI still has their seized phones and shit, so not only are they stuck on a damaged ship they might be unable to reach out to family and friends (not sure what the communication/internet situation is on a ship like that). @nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net
    • If you think this is wild you should read some stories about stowaways. I know a guy who sailed with a dude who had been a stowaway on danish ships for a couple decades, and that was a nice story. A lot of the stowaways get tortured and/or killed and then dumped in international waters. A stowaway is any person who is not on the ships’ manifest. Lot of refugees that just… disappear. Stowaways can be made to work while they’re on your ship, though you have to provide them lodgings and food. There’s a lot of people who get found on ships, are made to work and then are unable to leave the ship because no country will take them. Then they’re just stuck there forever. @Egon@hexbear.net
    • How the fuck is “you have to let people on cargo ships into your country at least temporarily” not in any of the treaties we have regarding international shipping? @ClimateChangeAnxiety@hexbear.net

    I just don’t have the time to read through 1300 joke comments to get to the 30 or so of actual discussions I’m interested in. The fact that the top comments are just arguing over terminology semantics used in a title (and not the conditions or situation these people were forced into) isn’t something I wish to waste my time on.

    If lemmy.ml gets to be like Reddit, I just have to move to a smaller instance and I’m done.

  • This one was easy, campaigned and followed daily for Sanders in 2016. The constant charade and collusion inside the DNC against Sanders at the time was apparent and became factual with court cases and leaked documents. It’s why Debbie Wasserman Schultz lost her position as chairwoman (should’ve been banned from the party, but that would be holding people accountable).

    Wasserman Schultz was elected chair of the Democratic National Committee in May 2011, replacing Tim Kaine.[2][3] On July 28, 2016, she resigned from that position after WikiLeaks released leaked emails showing that she and other members of the DNC staff had favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primaries in exchange for funding to eliminate the DNC’s remaining debt from the 2012 presidential campaign.[3][4] source

    I would categorize @Eldritch@lemmy.world as a disinformation troll at this point. It’s one thing to be wrong, but to lie with insults and not step back any statements is a sign of someone who doesn’t care because they already did what they sought out to do.

    Definitely always do the research if you have time to respond, there’s plenty of times I’ve been misinformed till I start digging into it and always try to apologize with a correction to my statements.

  • Amtrak is actually a government program that helped save passenger rail after it became unsustainable with the private companies. It’s a fascinating history that they simply don’t teach the general populace.

    In October 1970, Congress passed, and President Richard Nixon signed into law, the Rail Passenger Service Act.[26] Proponents of the bill, led by the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP), sought government funding to ensure the continuation of passenger trains. They conceived the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (NRPC), a quasi-public corporation that would be managed as a for-profit organization, but which would receive taxpayer funding and assume operation of intercity passenger trains.[7][27][28]

    There were several key provisions:[29]

    • Any railroad operating intercity passenger service could contract with the NRPC, thereby joining the national system.
    • The United States federal government, through the Secretary of Transportation, would own all of the NRPC’s issued and outstanding preferred stock.[30]
    • Participating railroads bought into the NRPC using a formula based on their recent intercity passenger losses. The purchase price could be satisfied either by cash or rolling stock; in exchange, the railroads received NRPC common stock.
    • Any participating railroad was freed of the obligation to operate intercity passenger service after May 1, 1971, except for those services chosen by the Department of Transportation (DOT) as part of a “basic system” of service and paid for by NRPC using its federal funds.
    • Railroads that chose not to join the NRPC system were required to continue operating their existing passenger service until 1975, at which time they could pursue the customary ICC approval process for any discontinuance or alteration to the service.

    Of the 26 railroads still offering intercity passenger service in 1970, only six declined to join the NRPC.[31]

    The original working brand name for NRPC was Railpax, but less than two weeks before operations began, the official marketing name was changed to Amtrak, a portmanteau of the words America and trak, the latter itself a sensational spelling of track.
