Given that racists and slavers used the “natural physical strength” of black people to justify putting them on hard labor and some medics still think that blacks has higher resistance to pain, I wonder if when black athletes started to join mixed race sport teams, some racist would have used the same “biological advantage” argument that now transphobes use against trans athletes to claim it was “unfair” for black to compete against whites to justify segregation.

    11 months ago

    We should all just get on board with allowing discrimination based on sex at birth in women’s sport competitions.

    No, we need the exact opposite of this but for the same reason.

    We should ignore it as an issue because it’s literally not an issue. The minuscule number of people it will affect don’t warrant national discussion nor legislation. But we should also not cede ground to transphobic bigots that want to use this as precedent “that assigned sex at birth” is relevant in some venues. Next stop is bathrooms and gyms.

    More over, scientifically this isn’t even a metric that makes sense. What about intersex folk? Their assigned sex at birth inherently doesn’t fit in to a binary. It also ignores the numerous cis women who naturally have higher testosterone levels. I get why its an easy solution as transphobia is rampant and dangerous in other areas of life, but thats not a good reason to make inherently flawed laws.