So I (35/m) have been in a long distance relationship with a guy (25/m) for about a year.

Things have been great, but recently things have taken a turn. We’ve spent time together a few times but he’s adamant that I don’t visit him. He’s saying that we probably won’t see each other again for at least a year, which makes me uncomfortable. We had made plans to move closer to each other, but he recently decided to move in with a friend instead and even though he acts like everything is still the same, I feel like he doesn’t want to be with me. I feel like I’m overreacting, but I’ve never been in an LDR before, so I don’t know what to think.

What advice can you give for a newbie to the world of long distance relationships and are any of the things I mentioned red flags?

    2 months ago
    • he’s adamant that I don’t visit him
    • He’s saying that we probably won’t see each other again for at least a year
    • We had made plans to move closer to each other, but he recently decided to move in with a friend instead

    These are all huge red flags. My guess, from these alone, is that he has moved on (or is ready to), but doesn’t have the courage to tell you directly and is hoping you will either do the breaking up for him or you will just drift away.