This post is inspired by a recent user I interacted with accusing me of being transphobic due to disagreeing with the concept of “xenogenders”

Without going too in depth, this user identified as “swarmgender”, and believed they are part of a literal hive mind. This led me down a path of reflection, wanting to be accepting of someones identity while trying to understand it rationally, and I came to a pretty firm conclusion:

They’re fucking nuts.

I’m not saying this in a transphobic sense, there is nothing wrong with being trans…. But the medical terminology for what’s being experienced is gender dysmorphia. It’s a mental illness.

It’s important to acknowledge this because there’s a bit of a slippery slope going on where individuals with more severe mental issues are using gender politics to either

A: make themselves the bestest most specialist snowflake


B: Obfuscate how fucking insane they actually are under the guise of anyone disagreeing being transphobic.

Anyway, this thread’ll be fun

    10 months ago

    When you get down to it, the only difference between sanity and mental illness is social acceptance. Is thinking you are part of a hive mind really any more crazy than thinking there is an invisible magical being watching you at all times who will punish or reward you based on your actions?

    (Before anyone gets upset, note I didn’t specify if I was talking about God or Santa Claus).

      10 months ago


      Depression and ADD are not disorders because of society.

      Asking someone to repeat what they say TWICE, and still not remembering any of it, even though you realllllly want to, would not be daffodils and fucking dandelions even if we were all the same.

      Neither would being so depressed you can’t get out of the house in the morning.

        10 months ago

        This is true. Most mental illness are attributes that exist to one degree or another in the populace. It is the overexpression or underexpression to a point that someone cannot function normally that it becomes illness.