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“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

    7 months ago

    “We were so determined to do great we forgot to do good” sums up people like you.

    You want to do the morally pure thing, the principled path, the high ground without taking into account reality or planning how your stupid choices affect things down the road. Yes - you’re wasting your fucking vote when you give it to someone you know won’t win. Yes - you’re allowing Trump a better chance at winning because you want to throw your hands up and say “Well they both suck, I dun wanna.” and throw a fucking tantrum.

    Cornell West is a grifter promoting himself as “the best independent vote” which is “the best person to waste your vote on” so the fact you want him to win when all he wants is book sales says all I need to know. You’re the average voter who pays no fucking attention to what actually goes on and just guide yourself based on feelings alone.

    “My state is blue so I don’t care” is how you get a red state you dense fuck. You are the reason the left gets nothing done, the reason we trip over ourselves saying shit like “we should have free healthcare, free education, free food, and a UBI” and then give ZERO policy ideas on how to get there.

    In the most civil way I can say it, shut the fuck up about politics if you’re this uneducated about them. You are the roadblock for true progressives because your fucking apathy is like a ball and chain.