• force@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    UBI is always the star compared to increased minimum wage, since it allows a lot of decoupling of your access to basic necessities from your ability to work or find employment.

    A world with adequate UBI, or similar arrangements, and (obviously) universal healthcare and a functioning education system and all that jazz, is a world where unemployment rates don’t matter, where you don’t need to create artificial jobs to accomodate for the large amounts of people who can’t find work.

    When you think about it, the entire concept of “this policy is good and should become law because it creates paying jobs” is pretty fucked up, why are people starving as a result of job roles in society being sufficiently filled? High unemployment is often a sign of a healthy and functioning society, yet with our economic system it’s a sign of a dysfunctional society because not having paying jobs available means people can’t obtain a decent standard of living.

    And our system’s response to this issue is to abuse it by subjecting the remaining available jobs either to extremely low pay, poor working conditions, little to no protections, OR to make the job inaccessible to most people, to make the (usually financial) barrier to entry so incredibly high that it creates an artificial shortage.

    Thanks, American-style capitalism, I hate it