This week flew by pretty quickly. Didn’t even get time to read all the messages in last week’s post…

Finished Valour’s Choice by Tanya Huff. Book 1 of Confederation. Enjoyed the book, going to continue with the series, and may check some more of Tanya Huff’s work too.

Read Jujitu Kaisen Vol. 5. Nothing much to say about that, more of a manga goodness.

Started Dark Moon by David Gemell, a standalone fantasy book. This is my first Gemell book and I am enjoying it. I am about 1/3rd of the way in, and the world-building feels like something that can sustain a trilogy or even a longer series.

What about all of you? What have been reading or listening?

    8 months ago

    Finished reading The Black Gryphon with my sibling. Was surprisingly progressive for when it was written, and although the non pov characters were very cardboard, it was a fun read.

    Listening to Good Omens finally. I absolutely love the comedic writing, and about half the cast. The actual plot bites me to tears so I’ve had trouble focusing on it, but weirdly still enjoying it.

    Started Perdido Street Station. New Crobuzon feels like he took the Cantina scene in star wars and expanded it to an entire city. And I love that the PoVs so far are an artist and a scientist just doing their thing.

      8 months ago

      I really enjoyed Perdido Street Station when I read it years ago, the weird fantasy of it feels so like extravagant and full in scope while also being grounded.