They do this all the time. Maybe Biden should call their bluff, execute his powers as Commander in Chief, and order the National Guard in Texas to turn on State Police.

  • I say this all the time, but that’s everywhere in the US. When I first moved to Pennsylvania, a friend told me that it was Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, with Alabama in between. Then, later, we moved to Minnesota, and it was the same thing: The Cities, a couple of outliers like Duluth and the college towns, but MAGA signs everywhere else.

    If the electoral college didn’t make elections so unfair, politics in the US would be more sane, and more liberal.

      8 months ago

      Yeah, stopped at a gas station out in the middle of nowhere in west Texas, and the old woman at the cash register wouldn’t ring up me and my GF because my GF was black. In 2020. A friend almost got in a fight at a bar out in the middle of nowhere in Texas because he had a UT bumper sticker on his truck, and they didn’t like “liberals” there.

      But, the cities are pretty normal. Have seen police cars painted with rainbows for pride month. A church down the road from me flies a pride flag, etc.

      • wouldn’t ring up me and my GF because my GF was black.

        Holy shit, that’s insane. Did you get free gas? It’s not like you were going to put it back. Also, do you txink she’d have rung up a black couple? Did she object to the mixed couple part? Wild, man.

    • Cosmic
      8 months ago

      If the electoral college didn’t make elections so unfair, politics in the US would be more sane, and more liberal.

      If we ever end up actually having a civil war, it’ll be over this.

      The majority will be tired of the minorities bs, and they’ll insist on a change.

      The minority will insist that in never changes, because they would lose their power if it did, and are unwilling to lose the culture war.

      And unstoppable force and an immovable object type scenario.