
    9 months ago

    This isn’t the gotcha that you think it is. Inflation is kept at a positive number on purpose. Deflation causes a self-reinforcing spiral that brings everyone’s wealth down. If inflation is too high that’s a problem too, but it’s less of a problem than deflation.

    … With that said, the huge amount that prices have gone up recently is caused by corporate profiteering, which is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

      9 months ago

      Why does deflation bring your wealth down? If I saved miney in a deflationary period my purchasing power would go up. Deflation means the amount of goods you can buy with the same currency increases over time, inflation means the amount of goods you can buy over time goes down. So actually deflation makes your wealth go up it seems to me.

          9 months ago

          It makes everyone want to hold onto their cash because your cash becomes more and more valuable the longer you hold on to it. So people start buying way less

          This is the part people always lose me when explaining deflation is bad. Why would I suddenly be holding on to cash just because it’s “worth more”? Why would I be buying way LESS than I do now? I would still have bills to pay, I’d still have groceries I need to buy, and since all of that would be cheaper I might even have enough left after to actually buy things I want rather than need. Maybe I could actually afford to eat out every now and then, unlike now. Maybe I could actually afford to support the game developers I like instead of pirating everything. The average person doesn’t have the luxury of hoarding money, if we were in a deflationary period they’d be spending just as much money as before, they’d just get more in return for it. Even in the scenario that I do save some of it, it would be for the purpose of saving up for a big purchase like replacing my shitty car, which isn’t an option at all atm.

          No, deflation by itself is good for the average person. It’s the outside factor of billionaires and corporations trying to maximize every last cent of profit that makes deflation a bad thing… and what do you know, it’s the same billionaires and corporations throwing inflation into over drive with their excessive price gouging.

          I don’t know maybe it’s just me, but it sure seems like neither deflation nor inflation are the problem here. Both situations have their own unique challenges, but the thing making either a totally dire situation is the greedy billionaires and corporations. We should do something about that.

      9 months ago

      Deflation causes a self-reinforcing spiral that brings everyone’s wealth down.

      Sigh. For anybody who thinks that it’s insane to believe that their wealth goes down when the value of their money goes up… look up Austrian Economics and learn why this Keynesian nonsense is wrong.