what’s the point of getting a degree if apparently you need all this other extraneous shit to get a proper fucking job?? networking, boot camps, certifications, training, programs, glass windows, button downs, what the fuck is this??

why can’t there be a program where i pay the whatever and do the whatever and i get a proper salaried good job at the end? fuck!! do you know what i mean? i keep seeing like, even if you graduate with a prestigious degree, that’s still not enough to guarantee a decent fucking living, a house with four walls and a yard and some trees and a dog, you have to shake some nebulous hands and attain more training.

  • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    See if your university offers a co-op program. Those can often make it a lot easier to get a job after graduating. I did a 12 month placement which actually turned into a 16 month placement between my penultimate and final years of university. I ended up getting hired at the same organization once I graduated.