• Should look at the image of this post. Could perhaps open the image from the image icon to then right click the image and open the image in a new tab or drag and drop the image into a tab so can perhaps see a larger image. Perhaps another way could be when loaded in this post can perhaps click the title or right click to open the image in a new tab to load the image URL so can perhaps see with a larger image that way.

Red lines drawn to perhaps compare the ship floor plan drawing from the image of the ship on secureteam10’s video with this perhaps ship floor plan diagram drawing from David Jacobs presentation video.

The ship drawing on David Jacobs presentation video are perhaps from someone who had done hypnotic regression with David Jacobs who perhaps were abducted into the ship depicted in the drawing. The floor plan drawing of the ship really does seem to look very similar to the picture on secureteam10’s video. So perhaps the person were abducted into the same or similar ship with what’s on secureteam10’s video.

  • Also just to note hypnotic regression are perhaps just being relaxed and able to remember memories.

Also, I myself am certain I had seen the exact same ship perhaps when I were abducted while feeling like I were asleep. More information in the text document.

Main text document called “Information about totalitarian and manipulative aliens”:


ZIP file that should have the text document and more information:


Google Drive folder that should have same files as the ZIP file so can perhaps look at and download each individual file:


Archive .org link with the ZIP file:


Link for the photo of the alien ship in secureteam10’s youtube video:



Link for the floor plan drawing on David Jacobs presentation video (image starting at and explained at 19:07 of the video) – I’ve re uploaded this video:


  • Video called: David Jacobs Presentation - video with ship floor plan drawing Research and own experience are that these aliens are in the wrong.

They exploit people as a genetic resource for use with making human hybrids. They are totalitarian, I’ve heard of psychological manipulation, torture.

I do hope any alien person or anyone for that matter change from being in the wrong, to not be totalitarian and instead be decentralized to ensure each other’s well being.

  • Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
    11 days ago

    The biggest challenge with believing in extra terrestrial beings visiting earth is just the sheer size of space. The closest solar system to Earth is Alpha Centauri which is over 4 light years away. By our current understanding of physics it is impossible to travel faster than light, so any visitors from Alpha Centauri would have had to travel for centuries if not millennia to get here (going really fast requires a ton of energy amongst other engineering challenges) simply put interstellar travel is so prohibitively slow and expensive that it will likely be reserved purely for colonization/exploration or only for the most dire of needs.

    But on top of the sheer challenge of interstellar travel is the challenge of timing. The earth is 4 billion years old and the universe is around 13 billion years old. How would a visitor traveling for centuries know that the time is right to visit? How would they know we won’t have experienced an extinction event by the time they get here? Would they even know we exist by the time they leave to visit? Or even more existentially, Humans have only been around for about 200k years or 0.0066% of the Earth’s lifetime so far. Imagine a duplicate of earth with the same history and occupants but forming just 0.1 billion years earlier. If the human equivalents are still around on that clone-earth their civilization would be literally older than the dinosaurs are here. Except there are planets both billions of years older and newer than earth, so how many of those have previously hosted intelligent life that’s since experienced an extinction event, and how many of those will one day have intelligent life form on them?

    Basically extra terrestrial life is inevitable in this universe, but the chances of humans ever meeting an intelligent life form from another planet is basically 0 due to the sheer scale of time and space separating us from anywhere and anywhen such intelligent life might exist

    • Logic_And_Ethics@lemmy.worldOP
      11 days ago

      These aliens space ship technology most likely work using warp drive technology (maybe gravity wave emitting technology / gravity wave thruster technology) to perhaps be able to travel faster than light and not be affected by G-Force.

      Maybe with being able to emit gravity waves then perhaps each gravity wave have a push and pulling effect. Perhaps if a gravity wave collide with material that can be affected by gravity then perhaps to push the material and maybe also with a pulling effect perhaps towards which way the gravity wave are moving. So maybe that can be how a gravity thruster work. Maybe even each gravity wave can redirect gravity like from an object like with pushing and pulling.

      Maybe as an example if to emit gravity waves away from a ship can reduce gravity inside to maybe cause time dilation maybe like with making it so anywhere affected by more gravity to slow down maybe like with a clock affected by more gravity to slow down. Maybe if to add gravity waves inside then to maybe cause time dilation to slow down compared to anywhere not as affected by gravity. So maybe this can be another idea like with a space ship. Which also either way emit gravity waves like towards or away from the ship could perhaps get forced to move either direction gravity waves are moving which could perhaps be an issue. Maybe for example if to emit gravity waves away from the ceiling and floor of a ship if are closer to the floor then maybe who ever or what ever that can be affected by gravity to get attracted towards the floor and if closer at the ceiling to get attracted towards the ceiling. Maybe if gravity waves emitted into the ship from the ceiling and floor then perhaps who ever or what ever to get stuck floating in the middle. Also perhaps if gravity wave(s) are strong enough could perhaps cause harm like to someone or something.

      Another thing. Any person are not defined by the body they live as (like as a human). Any person are defined by theirself. Any person living in a brain can perhaps accomplish mind transfer like to a different brain and body. Like transfer from living as a human to live as a robotic body. Perhaps as an example how to accomplish mind transfer: Attach brain interface device to own brain and to an initially lifeless brain and body. Revive new brain and body perhaps allowing own thoughts to travel into the new brain and back and forth perhaps living in both brains at once. Perhaps then go through the process of remembering memories to perhaps imprint into new brain to maybe prevent memory loss if accomplish mind transfer. Perhaps then to cause older body be like with sleeping. Maybe while older body are sleeping to stay awake with new brain and body which then maybe can just disconnect the brain interface device to continue living in new brain and body. Now should immediately stop older body from living to prevent any other person from living in that older brain to prevent them losing their memories from before they died. Since death are just continuing to exist while falling apart and not ceasing to exist nor go to any magical afterlife then perhaps someone else could end up living in that brain which maybe with not having their memories in that brain or regardless no way to help them remember their past then perhaps to end up forgetting their past memories.

      • More information like with what mentioned in the main text document “Information about totalitarian and manipulative aliens”.