We are very excited to let you know now that in early December, we will release the first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto. We look forward to many more years of sharing these experiences with all of you.

Thank you,
Sam Houser

  • kromem@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    GTA IV had the radio crackle right before receiving a phone call just like how GSM radio interference worked at the time.

    GTA V had in the middle of a restricted part of the map a drain overflow which has runoff to a floor light that was shorting out as a result.

    Rockstar’s commitment to detail in their open worlds is unlike anything else, and they can never release any DLC again or support a title after launch at all and turn it into a vessel for funneling to their online money maker all day long and I’ll still eagerly await whatever morsels of that single player vessel I can get my hands on.